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food fight

People Defend Their Most Controversial Food Opinions
Eiliv-Sonas Aceron/Unsplash

There is only one correct way to eat your standard 2-slice sandwich, and I will absolutely die on this hill.

Since childhood, I've insisted on eating all sandwiches this way, and I assure you, it's peak.

First, you much smush the sandwich as flat as you can, compressing flavors. Next, you start in the upper corner OPPOSITE your dominant hand and remove the crust in a single long strand going counter-clockwise.

Once you arrive back in the corner you started at, you may bite. You're going to take small bites going CLOCKWISE in a circular pattern.

Your final bite should be the center, a perfectly concentrated nugget of deliciousness.

For example, if you're right-handed you want to stop in upper left corner.

This is the only way.

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