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Ted Cruz Roasted With Brutal Reminder After Elon Musk Makes X 'Likes' Private

After the X owner announced that 'likes' on the platform will now be private, users were quick to troll Cruz over a 2017 incident in which his account 'liked' a hardcore adult video.

Ted Cruz
Jon Shapley/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images

After billionaire Elon Musk anounced that "likes" on X, formerly Twitter, will now be private, users were quick to troll Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz over a 2017 incident in which his account "liked" a hardcore adult video.

Twitter's engineering team said via its official account that users "will still be able to see posts you have liked (but others cannot)," that "Like count and other metrics for your own posts will still show up under notifications," that users "will no longer see who liked someone else’s post," and that "A post’s author can see who liked its posts."

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