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Shocking Confessions From A Seaworld Employee. Who Knew Behind-The-Scenes Was So Wild?

SeaWorld has become a point of contention among animal lovers in recent years, especially with the release of Blackfish, a documentary that pointed out the mistreatment of Orca Whales in the park. Though they've been taking action to listen to the public's cries for better treatment (or, better yet, to NOT cage up the animals), many people feel they still have a long way to go. But what happens when you ask an actual SeaWorld employee about their day-to-day work? Thanks to Imgur user, , we get to find out.

One of our game is located under the kiddie nets. And well, kids will be kids. My friends and I can't count the amount of times we've been spit on, peed on, hit with loose change.

We finally told our manager we're not going back until a roof was made, they didn't listen. The next day, a kid had explosive diarrhea on the nets and it just so happens it was right above our game. Needless to say, all the prizes were damaged, and the area had to be closed down. They lost alot of money that day.

This one always annoyed me, because I worked right outside of Shamu stadium. We don't background check everyone that walks into our park, so there could be perverts walking around. Right outside of Shamu's Stadium, there is the kiddie area with bathrooms. It's not that hard to walk your butt naked kid over there.

Continue reading Seaworld confessions on the next page!

I can't count the amount of times this has happened. If you didn't read the rule, well that sucks for you. We even have a sign at each of the games telling you exactly what to do.

Alright, Time for a little story.

So the rule of the game is simple, get the ball in a colored cup you win a prize. Get the ball in the clear cup, you lose. I have a lot of little kids that love to play this game, and sometimes its hard for them to reach over the counter to toss the ball and they usually would drop it. I had a lady and her daughter come up to play, while 2 little girls were playing. One of the little girl dropped her ball, so i turned to pick it up. When I looked up, a ball was in the color cup. I didn't see who it was and i assumed it was the lady, so i cheered her and said "yay you got it." The reaction she had to me cheering, kinda hinted that she didn't but she just went along with it. So I counted her balls and quickly realized that she didn't even start playing and when I tried to fix the situation, she yelled and screamed and then asked for a manager. Manager came over, looked at her and basically said "there's nothing we can do." The lady just tossed all the balls and walked away.

I don't mind if you want a prize for your little one, if you lose I'll give it to you. Just don't try to cheat little kids out of theirs.

I always hated this. It is a company rule, that if you're outside you need to be pulled inside the minute we hit code purple. Because the games area wasn't making revenue, our leads went to great extent to earning that last $1.

More on the next page!

Every single weekend, Peta protesters stand outside of the entrance with their signs. I actually had one stop me and asked me "How does it feel to be an accessory to a murder?"

I personally am on SeaWorld's side when it comes to the whole Blackfish fiasco. As an employee there, I've seen the 1st hand treatment all of our animals get. They actually get better treatment than the employees do.

This has to be one of my favorite moments. It was a group of Brazilian girls who just came around the games area to play some games. On the game I was running, one of them won the prize and it got loud pretty quick. After their series of photos with the prize, they then proceeded to chant my name for a good 5 minutes.

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I have a lot of people, even little kids asked me this. It's usually because of the Peta protesters. It's always sad when a little kids approaches and ask that question.

Sorry to burst anyones bubble, but Shamu has been dead since 1971. All of our whales carry his name as a last name now.

If I'm in the middle of helping a guest and you rudely interrupt me to find a location that you're actually at, know you're gonna be sent on a wild goose chase.

I've had way too many people do this to me, if you piss me off I'm making you walk all the way around.

More SeaWorld employee confessions on the next page!

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