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People Who Slept With A Coworker Share Their Experiences

Reddit user Ok_Chocolate3253 asked: 'People who slept with a coworker, what happened after?'

coworkers looking at a laptop

"Never dip your pen in the company ink."

An age-old cautionary saying urging people not to get romantically entangled with their coworkers.

Doing so used to be illegal at many companies, whereas now it's grown to become a bit more commonplace, and often results in some cases of wedded bliss and happily ever afters (as demonstrated by The Office's Jim and Pam.)

Of course, when entering a relationship with a coworker, be it a one night stand or a committed, multi-year relationship, there is always the risk that it might not end well, resulting in your being forced to see your ex every day at the office (Bridget Jones anyone?)

Redditor Headbobby was eager to hear from people who became involved with their coworkers, specifically the aftermath, leading them to ask:
"People who slept with a coworker, what happened after?"

Well, That's A Success?

"We became friends and she donated a kidney to me lol."- Headbobby

As If Nothing Had Changed...

"Got married 2 years later."

"'Co-worker' can mean different things and different circumstances, for instance:"

"Our company had 130,000 employees world-wide."

"Our group was housed in a building with 1,000 employees."

"We were not in each other's chain of command."

"It could have been somewhat awkward if it did not work out, but not awful."

"It did work out."

"Later on, saved money by carpooling!"- SyntheticOne

The Office Laughing GIF by NBCGiphy

Just Couldn't Fight The Chemistry

"We were both working as actors in a small film, cast as romantic leads."

"She noticed I got tense when we had to kiss... and suggested we go on a date to practice kissing."

"We played mini-golf and practiced kissing."

"Then we continued practicing in her car in the parking lot after the mini-golf place closed until a cop came to investigate."

"Then we got a hotel room and practiced other stuff."

'I guess I'm a slow learner because she's still giving me remedial lessons."- Jake_Science

Nothing Personal, One Hopes..

"She had to fire me."

"Poor performance."- bilvester

Consider Long Term Goals First


"Highly recommend if you have a job."

"Do not recommend if you have a career."- bluegiant85

Renee Zellweger Office GIF by Working TitleGiphy

On To Bigger And Better Things

"Dated discreetly and after four years we got engaged."

"We then both told our supervisors we were leaving in the summer."

"At our last meeting as they were doing their good bye lunch for both of us with about 30 coworkers, they had us say a few words."

"I went first and said I was moving to a new city."

"Then it was my fiancés turn and she said she was also moving to that city, with me, because we’re engaged."

"It was glorious."

"We are happily married for 13 years and have an awesome daughter."

"Life is goooood."- lmc227

Jealous Much?

"I had a supervisor that I really hit it off with and had great chemistry."

"As soon as they found out we were dating, she got fired and immediately found a better job."

"We've been married for almost 13 years now."

"I feel I should clarify a little bit while still keeping the details as vague as possible because quite a few people worked there."

"She was my boss in the sense that if she told me something needed taken care of, I was expected to take care of it."

"She didn't actually have the power to fire me if our relationship went south, but she probably could have gotten me fired if she had been that type of person."

"We worked there for two years before anything remotely physical happened."

"Our lunch breaks lined up."

"After a few conversations, we became friendly and started spending most of that hour shooting the sh*t with each other."

"I was crushing on her hard, but didn't think she'd be interested in dating one of the janitors, so I didn't say anything in an effort not to make things weird at work."

"One day I let it slip to one of the other janitors that I had a crush on her."

"He thought it would be hilarious to immediately go and tell her what I said."

"The next day, she asked me if I had really said that."

"I was really embarrassed but admitted that I had said it."

"She basically told me she was feeling the same way and gave me her number."

"11 months later, we were married."

"There were two guys in upper management that had asked her out and been rejected."

"Their egos obviously took a hit when they found out she chose me."

"She was fired after being blamed for someone else's mistake."

"Then they refused to show the proof that she was the one responsible."

"It was bullsh*t, but it only took her two weeks to find a job that paid a lot more."

"Once they did that to her, I immediately became a terrible employee and openly talked sh*t about everyone in management until they really had no choice but to fire me."- Imahorrible_person

Nothing Lost, Nothing Gained

"We did it a couple of times then both went on with our lives."

"It was just something we both wanted to do temporarily."

"Neither one of us wanted it to be serious or long-term, and so it wasn’t."- Listening_Heads

No Regrets Whatsoever

"We moved in together, got engaged, bought a house and had a baby."

"Don't let a job get in the way of your life."- AllSonicGames

Who'd Have Guessed...

"I slept with my boss back in 93."

"She instigated it."

"She’s sitting beside me."

"30 years later and two adult kids."

"Worked out!"

"I should add we did NOT care for each other at first. It was definitely not a case of 'will they, won’t they' but more of a 'will he quit or won’t he?'"

" Funny how life works."- Uncle_Bug_Music

Proceed With Caution

"Fun while it lasted, but very awkward after."- BrianH-84

Love cannot, and should not be denied, even if it is a coworker.

Anyone looking for a one and done, however, might want to look beyond the walls of your office.

Unless you like constantly being reminded of your past mistakes.