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Condo Building Held Up in Court for Wanting to Remove Trump's Name From Exterior Learns Judge's Decision

Condo Building Held Up in Court for Wanting to Remove Trump's Name From Exterior Learns Judge's Decision
BRYAN R. SMITH/Getty Images

Just after President Donald Trump's January 2017 inauguration, many Manhattanites found themselves a bit uncomfortable living in a building with the President's name emblazoned in giant bronze letters on the side.

In February 2017, the residents of Trump Place, located at 200 Riverside Boulevard in New York's Upper West Side, voted 158-59 to remove Trump's name from the condo building. The next month, however, the condo board was threatened with legal action by DJT Holdings LLC (owned by the Trump family).

DJT Holdings LLC claimed that removing the signage would be a breach of each tenant's license agreement, and any attempt to do so would bring about litigation "not only prevent such unauthorized action, but to also recover the significant amount of damages, costs and attorney's fees."

The residents took their case to court and on Thursday, May 3, after much deliberation, Judge Eileen Bransten ruled that Trump's name could be taken off the building without any legal ramifications.

The board argued, and the judge ultimately agreed, that the building's license agreement contained no requirement that the sign should be displayed, but instead only granted the building's tenants "permissive right" to use it. Their earlier filed complaint claimed their motivations for removing the sign included "increased security risks and associated costs, real estate value diminution, and antipathy to the Licensor."

DJT Holdings' attorney, Lawrence Rosen, commented:

Obviously, we think that she got it wrong, but we respect it.

Not surprisingly, Twitter largely sided with the condo board and the judge:

Certainly seems like something Trump would do:

This isn't the first Trump property to remove his name amidst embarrassment over his presidency, of course.

Three other New York buildings removed the bronze Trump moniker over the past year, as well as several international Trump hotels (like Trump Hotel Panama and Toronto).

If you want to live in a building with Trump on the front door, move in quickly, they're going fast!

H/T - Huffpost,