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People Describe The Worst Weddings They've Ever Attended

wedding couple standing
Luis Tosta on Unsplash

Reddit user Fantastic_Series_599 asked: 'Worst weddings you’ve been to and what happened?'

I can't say I've ever been to a bad wedding. Of course, I haven't been to very many and the majority were my relatives'.

The only one that came close to being "bad" was simply uncomfortable because no one liked the bride. It was my then boss' wedding—he was the groom.

But some people have been to some pretty horrible ceremonies and receptions.

Reddit user Fantastic_Series_599 asked:

"Worst weddings you’ve been to and what happened?"

Welcome To The Family

"My maternal uncle and his wife. The whole wedding was a sh*t show from the start."

"The dresses: The bride’s mother made the bridal party dresses which unfortunately ended up looking like a toddler made them. The bridal party were charged $300-$400 for each dress because that’s what you’d pay at David’s Bridal for them."

"Pretty sure David’s Bridal dresses are professionally made and look like it. I was supposed to be a junior bridesmaid and had my own dress made by her."

"She 'forgot' it. So I was out of place in nice clothes, and the bride’s mother complained the whole time."

"My mum’s dress was too small because the mother of the bride told my mum to lose weight before the wedding and when she didn’t, it was her fault it didn’t fit. Mum was pregnant so losing weight wasn’t going to happen."

"The maid of honor’s dress actually was a wedding gown. Mother of the bride and maid of honor insisted and bride backed down after being threatened with no wedding paid for by her parents."

"The groomsmen were all hung over and it was obvious that a few were high."

"The maid of honor 'fainted' repeatedly during the wedding, and things had to be stopped. She refused medical attention each and every time and somehow felt better when it was clear all attention was on her."

"Finally, right before the bride and groom spoke their vows the bride hissed at the groom if he ever divorced her she’d take him for everything he had."

"She repeated the threat when they had their children after each birth and added she’d take his children away from him."

~ GothPenguin


"My own. I mean, it was a nice wedding, but it wasn't MY wedding. My mom forced most of the choices on me."

"My fiancé told me he didn't want to be physical with me anymore a few months before the wedding. I was having a nervous breakdown from dealing with mom and begged him to be intimate with me to bring me back down to earth."

"He said no, but I could sleep with others if he didn't find out. He (fiancé) moved into the other room."

"I told my mom what happened and she said, 'it's not a big deal. You have a low libido anyway'. She wanted me to get married just to get me married because my mom NEEDS TO BE A GRANDMA and I am 'selfish' that I will not get pregnant for her."

"My mom told the DJ to 'slow down' my song so she could walk it (nothing wrong with her legs) and when the marriage quickly crumbled, she said, 'I should have let you have a colored dress'."


"I have since cut my mom out of my life."

~ EstroJen

Dry Wedding

"Went to a wedding of a couple that we had no idea were EXTREMELY religious. No alcohol, no dancing."

"There was a string quartet that played during the sad 'happy hour' while pictures got taken, etc... but they left as dinner was being served and no more music after. A crappy magician did a short (maybe 20-30 min) stage act as the cake was being served."

"Absolutely no traditional stuff like tossing the bouquet or anything that would somehow remotely be considered sinful. And lots and lots of prayers."

"The only plus of the evening was that we got seated with extended cousins of the bride's family who spent the entire time sh*tting on the bride's mom & dad, telling stories of the bat-sh*t crazy fundamentalist Christian stuff they had done to their kids."

"They were barely married when she left him. The last we heard from her, she was living with two guys who were both at least 10 years older than her and was quite proud of splitting her time between their two beds."

~ rubikscanopener


"It was the (now) ex-wife’s two best friends. Great couple. They were amazing and the wedding ceremony was fine enough, in that it wasn’t memorable in the least."

"Ex-wife neglects to tell me that we’re camping for the night before and prep. I like camping, but not so much when I need to walk through a muddy field to shower in a pay shower, then try to keep my suit without mud."

"The good news is that the entire wedding party was also camping in a muddy field, so I wasn’t the only one who was dirty."

"Ex-wife’s most recent ex is also part of the wedding party, so she ditches me to hang with him. There is no one I know at the reception other than the couple and the ex-wife."

"Dry wedding, but that wasn’t that bad other than the lack of social lubricant for so many strangers."

"Stepdad of the bride is going to lead us to the reception (pre smartphone era). All is well until he gets on the highway and takes off at over 100mph."

"After hitting 80mph, I refuse to continue to accelerate. Eventually I pull over until we see another wedding guest who doesn’t want to drive almost double the posted speed limit."

"This became my problem for choosing to not follow the lunatic."

"As far as I know, they’re still together. I hope so! They were cool, but I’ll happily never see any of those people ever again in my life."

~ TheStanker


"So, my wedding..."

"My (now) ex-wife wanted an extravagant wedding; I didn't, but I went with it for her. Originally her parents offered to either buy us a house or pay for this wedding and she chose the wedding."

She was a total bridezilla. She insulted both of our families at the rehearsal dinner, forced all grandparents to wear specific clothing she picked, ordered her choice of food for EVERYBODY regardless of what they wanted—she ordered a salad for my overweight relative."

"We had 250 guests, only 23 of whom were mine to invite. Everyone else was from her list."

"Her father was an elected official, so literally half the guests were people her dad worked with that neither of us knew. She filled the registry with gifts that were WAY too expensive, so most people gave cash instead—that part I was ok with."

"Her gift to me was a boudoir photo shoot, which I found out she sent to her ex-boyfriend as well as me. Oh, he was at the wedding too, but I was unaware of their past relationship at the time."

"She cheated on me with him the day after the ceremony because an emergency caused us to reschedule our honeymoon, and she was upset with me."

"Long story short, don't get married just because you have a kid together."

"I've been happily divorced for 9 years now, but she still takes every opportunity she can to attempt to ruin my life. She still can't believe that I left her over her NUMEROUS and CONTINUED affairs she had over the 3 years we were married."

~ EveryDayAnotherMask

Cat's And Car Washes Don’t Mix

"The bride wanted her cat at the wedding and the groom and his best man brought the uncaged cat in the car and went through the car wash right before the wedding."

"The cat freaked out and scratched up the groom's face and peed all over the best man’s tux an hour before the wedding."

~ LimeyLoo

Keep Your Day Job

"Weddings where the best man uses the speeches to see if he really could have been a stand up comedian."

"Been to three where that happened—so embarrassing."

~ Ok-Benefit197

Pool Party

"I went to what I can only describe as a redneck wedding a few years ago. Groom was 24, his bride to be was like 42 with two kids over the age of 18. So a weird dynamic to begin with."

"The ceremony was at a public park under a gazebo, the groom’s parents were visibly not down with the wedding, it was hot as f*ck and there was enough food for maybe 30% of the guests."

"We were told the reception was at the local Elk’s Lodge, which, while not very extravagant, at least had a bar and reception hall. Those were not rented out however, just the pool."

"So you had the usual very old, very intoxicated regular clientele of a rural southern Elk’s Lodge who were doing their thing, and then only 4 people (bride, groom, and two of their friends) down in the pool all passing around a bottle of Jack."

"I left immediately and they got divorced six months later."

~ atlsportsburner

Green Eyed Monster

"This was over 30 years ago."

"I grew up with the groom."

"The wedding itself was beautiful."

"Up until the bride decided one of the female guests was flirting with the groom and proceeded to take a swing at her. While dressed in her poofy white gown."

"Marriage lasted 6 weeks."

~ 5footfilly

Rude Roo

"Nice wedding, but just an unexpected and funny thing during the photos which were being taken in a beautiful nature reserve. The kangaroos weren’t originally part of the photo plan, but of course the photographer went with it when they wandered up."

"And they made for great photos. Until one of the Roos decided lace looked yummy."

"And for non-Australians you need to understand that when a medium-large kangaroo wants something, it’s very difficult to stop."

"And that kids is the story of how your dad lived up to his Best Man title by wrestling a kangaroo for Uncle Arthur and Auntie Kellie."

~ Prometheus_DownUnder


"Crazy one that I attended. My wife's friend from another part of her life. She worked with this girl for about 6 months...5 years prior."

"They communicated (pre internet) by phone every couple of months and got together once or twice/year even though we lived about 10 miles away. She was living with this hardcore, poorly educated hick."

"He was a hard worker...but was fairly mean. Add this she had a kid with this guy who was 2 at the time of the wedding."

"We were invited.....about a week out. Saturday afternoon at 4 O'clock at a restaurant. I had a lacrosse I got there about 4:15."

"Nothing had started EXCEPT for the drinking. 25 guests in all...Bride, Groom and Best Man are all drunk."

"5 minute ceremony. Reception was just more of the same. Shots! Minimal amount of food. The kid took off all his clothes and was running around in just a diaper."

"Best man speech was probably the inspiration for the Steve Bucemi character in The Wedding Singer...this wedding was in the same era...mid 80's...the speech was about how Greg took care of him....letting him live with the newly married couple....and his main hope for the couple going forward is that 'they wouldn't f*cking argue anymore'."

"It was the drunkest wedding I've ever seen....and the night wasn't over! They were flying out of BWI airport the next morning...and the bride suggested that everyone come to the hotel for more partying."

"We went. As we get into the lobby.... another bride was standing off to the side as her husband was checking in. This drunk wench starts going off on the other bride.....'You're an ugly f*cking bitch, I'm the good looking bride'."

"The other girl wasn't having any of it and started in on her....super close to a real fight. 'Let's go' both my wife and I said at the same time."

~ padraiggavin14

And The Horse He Rode In On

"Outside, right after the church wedding, bride told groom that he shouldn’t have worn his stupid glasses to the wedding."

"And told him that his father should go f*ck himself."

"Unbelievably, they're still married after 30 years."

~ Darnbeasties


"I realised that I didn’t actually want to marry him, and that it was in fact the loneliest day of my life, because he didn’t even talk to me."

"He got so drunk I had to knock on my sister’s door to help me get out of my dress—hundreds of buttons down the back—while he was passed out sprawled on the bed."

"The guests had a great time, it was a beautiful wedding. We’re divorced."

"It was a horrible moment for me, which I am still literally paying for. DONT MAKE MY MISTAKE."

"If it’s a little no, that’s NO. F*ck the consequences, they can always be worse down the road."

~ Electrical_Option365

What Happens In Vegas...

"About 15 years ago I went to a small wedding in Las Vegas as the Maid of Honor's date. Almost immediately after the ceremony, the newlyweds got into an argument about something (I have no idea what) and the bride and groom ran off in separate directions."

"My then-girlfriend went to chase after the bride, and everyone else chased after the groom."

"Within less than a minute, everyone was gone, and I had no service on my phone, so I hung out in the casino alone for about two hours until everyone returned and acted like nothing strange had happened."

"That couple split up after about a year and a half."

~ BobVilasBeard

Best Of The Worst

"The groom got into a fistfight with one of the bartenders, and one of the guests got so drunk the EMTs were called."

"The police car that carried the groom away was closely followed by the ambulance."

"I actually consider it one of the best weddings I’ve been to, at least in terms of being memorable, but the bridal couple—who are still married 20-odd years later—may disagree."

~ madcats323

I'm glad I wasn't invited to any of these affairs.

What's the worst wedding you've been to?

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