We've all worked in jobs that have left us feeling a little less than fulfilled.
Where we spent more time at our desks or in our cubicles contemplating the best way to leave this job, rather than focusing on our work.
Of course, many people never actually go through with these fantasies, choosing instead to stay the course and suck it up for the paycheck.
Others, however, eventually come to decide enough is enough, and say sayonara to their soul-sucking jobs.
Sometimes, in a manner which is anything but dignified.
Redditor Nikhil_88 was curious to hear what people thought were the absolute worst ways to leave a job, leading them to ask:
"What could be the worst way to leave a 9-5 job?"
Alive Is Always Ideal...
"In an ambulance because you’re having a heart attack."- Amishoutkast
"In a coroners van."- _Daryl_Dixon_
Know Your Worth
"Without being paid."- a_jar_of_happiness
Not A Minute Too Soon...
"At 5:01."
"I enjoy my family time and don't get paid OT."- thatguy32503
Timing Is Everything
"One day before being eligible for a pension or large financial payout."- TheDadThatGrills
"Family Guy style, "… and there's a poo on your desk"- roastedjam
"Diarrhea dripping on your legs."
"Huhuhu just please not this one."- sempaisempaisem
Ending On A High Note Always Pays Off
"Maybe not the worst.....but the way I did it."
"Having a massive panic attack and meltdown, crying uncontrollably, and finally just getting in my car and driving home."
"It was NOT unprovoked."
"Nevertheless, I wish I had been able to handle it in a calmer manner."
"But I have PTSD and I don't always get to react the way I wish I could."- clumpypasta
Not The Legacy You Want To Leave
"In handcuffs?"- EnigmaCA
Stay Classy
“'F*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you, you’re cool, and f*ck you I’m out'.”- BrodaciousD
"Tell your boss to go f*ck him/her self then leave the premises (I have done this)."- darkheartshadows
When you can actually start to feel your soul being sucked out of you, then it's probably time to move on.
Whenever that time comes, it is always a good idea to take the high road.
Or at least save the vitriol for the exit interview.