Whether you're the bride, the groom, an attendant, or simply a guest, everyone leaves a wedding full of memories.
Even if some memories are better than others.
Merely owing to the time and effort that comes with planning a wedding, no wedding is completely free of drama of one sort or another.
However, most of the time, that drama is only known or witnessed by a very select group of people.
On rare and very unfortunate occasions, that drama is on full display for all to see, often becoming the only thing anyone ever remembers about the "big day."
Redditor No_Explanation1551 was eager to hear about the most shocking things anyone has ever witnessed at a wedding, leading them to ask:
"What’s the worst thing you’ve witnessed at a wedding?"
En Guarde!
"The groom cutting the cake with a sword then putting that sword back in its scabbed without cleaning it first."- unhappydays
One Way To Make An Exit...
"The groom’s aunt had a couple of glasses of wine, and then someone shared a THC vape with her."
"A few minutes later she lost her balance and fell backwards, bumping her head on a wooden door frame."
"We had to call an ambulance for her."
"She never lost consciousness and waved to the crowd as the EMTs wheeled her out on the gurney."
"She made a full recovery."- shavemejesus
Never Too Late
"Not as horrible as most of the stories here, but a very dear friend got married later in life and so many of the speeches from close friends and family mentioned how they never thought it would happen for her."
"Like, what?"
"Keep that sh*t to yourself."- jenorama_CA
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One Journey Ends While Another Begins
"The bride's mother died the morning of the wedding."- jcxco
Couldn't It At Least Have Been A Champagne Bottle?
"My aunt smashing a beer bottle over a woman's head while fighting about a man."
"Nothing says wedding like cops and ambulances."- Sicksh*t999
At Least It Wasn't A Veil...
"At my friend's wedding, a woman turned up in a tiara and a white floaty outfit."
"Fair enough it wasn't a dress, but a line had been crossed when it was paired with a tiara."- OakoftheWildWoods
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Why You Should Always Think Twice Before Hiring Friends
"The DJ knew the groom and gave a speech which the message was, don’t cheat on your wife."- KeyanFarlandah
All In The Family
"Surprise double wedding where my Uncle married his sister's brother-in-law's daughter immediately following my Aunt's ceremony."
"Not technically cousins, but awkwardly close."- Rlfire16
Know Your Audience
"Friends’ wedding."
"Friends weren’t super Christian but their families were."
"Lots of family friends from church there."
"Best man get up to give his speech."
“'Today, we all experienced the best five minutes of [bride’s] life. Tonight, [bride] will experience the worst five seconds of her life'.”
"Dead silence."
"It was like being in an episode of 'The Office'."- Batmans_9th_Ab
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Ignorance Is Bliss
"The wedding cake getting delivered in an old Honda Accord, in the trunk, not covered and tipped over."
"The trunk was disgusting with jumper cables and just dirt and crap all over."
"I do not understand why they thought that was going to be okay."
"Then the person had the audacity to say we could just fix it up a little with a knife."
"Thank God the bride didn't see."
"We told them to take the cake and go and it will not be paid for."
"Took photos for insurance and then had to run to a store nearby to find whatever cakes/cupcakes we could try and salvage the day."
"The sad part was it was a beautiful Indian wedding and the detail on the cake you couldn't find at the store."
"I just felt so bad once she found out it wasn't a go."
"But it ended up still being amazing, and it's still my favorite wedding I've been to."- Kaleidoscope8910
It Is Definitely Possible To Have Too Much Fun
"The bride chugged half a bottle of Crown Royal in the spotlight."
"Cheers and pictures followed."
"10 minutes later she's in the back alley puking her guts out."
"After dragging her away from her puke puddle, I managed to stand her up so she could go back inside to the bathroom."
"She made it up 3 steps but before she could go through the door she lost her balance and slid down the cellar door next to the stairs."
"I think she may have peed herself too."- SweetPsycho2024
"Best" Would Not Be Accurate...
"The best man didn't have anything nice to say about the groom."
"It didn't seem like they knew each other well and the guy talked about the groom being not academically inclined and not being very good at sports, which was how they knew each other."
"It was kinda uncomfortable."- mordred1911
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Short And Sweet Is Always The Way To Go
"A 45 minute speech from the father of the groom, which came after a 20 minute speech from the mother of the groom, which followed a pleasant 2-3 minute speech from the bride’s mother and a tearful 'thank you' and wave from the bride’s father."
"At least the groom’s mother was self aware and apologized for the long speech before and during."
"On the other hand, groom’s father literally opened with 'I won’t waste your time with a long speech' and asked that nobody leave for bathroom breaks until he finishes his speech."
"And his entire speech was filled with inside jokes and stories but he would STOP TELLING THE STORY AND MOVE ONTO A NEW ONE BEFORE GETTING TO THE END OF ANY STORY OR FINISHING ANY JOKES."
"He would think of the ending, giggle to himself, and move on with 90 seconds of the story left untold."
"Nobody else was laughing, because nobody knew what they were supposed to be laughing at."
"What a jacka**."- FailFodder
Three Strikes, They're Out!
"I hit the trifecta at one wedding!"
"The bride and groom did that stupid 'smash each other's faces with cake' then while struggling, the bride bumped into the table and knocked over the cake."
"A few folks got drunk and there were two fights."
"One was two guys, the other was two girls."
"The band sucked."
"It was the friend of a friend of a friend and they really sucked."
"For some strange reason, the reception ended early."- Poorkiddonegood8541
Just Plain Sad
"Bridesmaid who had been sober for a few months (as she was known to be an aggressive drunk), thought my aunt’s wedding was the best night to have a couple drinks."
"Not sure exactly what happened I just know that a couple bridesmaids ended up in a fight, causing the bride to attempt to intervene and get clocked in the back of the head at her own wedding."- grannygarbonzo666
Even with a smashed cake, a rainy day, or a truly terrible DJ, a wedding still has the potential to be the happiest day of the couple in question's life, as long as there is an outpouring of love.
When brawls come into play, however, it's hard not to argue the so-called "happy couple" is entitled to a redo.
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