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People Reveal The Worst Thing Their Partner Did That They've Forgiven Them For

Couple arguing at table
Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

Reddit user ChaiCreamLattea asked: 'What’s the worst thing your partner has done to you that you’ve forgiven them for?'

Every relationship has its limits, and people will all realize their own deal breakers during the relationship.

But there are some things that, even if the couple will forgive, will not be forgotten.

Redditor ChaiCreamLattea asked:

"What's the worst thing your partner has done to you that you've forgiven them for?"

Just So We're Clear

"We have one long hallway from our living room to the bathroom. The bedrooms are off of this hallway, and there are also a couple of closets along the way. When we're getting ready for bed, my husband and I typically get ready together."

"One night, we were heading to bed, and I was getting something out of the hall closet that is closest to the bathroom. My husband thought that the door had just been left open, and punched it, to close it as he walked by."

"He punched the s**t out of that door. Not in a mean way at all, just, he said, 'BAH!' and aggressively slammed the door, but I was standing right on the other side of it."

"Also, I'm disabled. I already was before the door hit me. But I went down pretty hard."

"He felt HORRIBLE! He cried, I didn't. Looking back, it's pretty funny. But I don't think I could bring it up to him without him feeling horrible all over again. And this was years ago."

"He's very careful about slamming doors now, lol (laughing out loud)."

- Reflection_Secure

"I'm sorry, but I lost it when you were like, 'I'm disabled. I already was before the door hit me.' In no way did I think when I had only gotten up to the 'I'm disabled' part, that you meant you were disabled NOW THAT YOUR SO PUNCHED THE DOOR. It made me laugh when I read the next part."

- blackbarlow

Unacceptable Behavior

"He made mooing noises when I was nursing my son."

- SmoochyBooch

"I'm sure the memorial service was beautiful."

- KriegenWrath

What Was She Thinking?

"I was dating this girl. Well, it was basically a situationship, and one day, I went to see her (we lived in two different cities), and when I left, she had put an Apple air tag in my gas tank because I wouldn’t give her my location because we had really only just met."

"I found it when I was filling up my gas tank a few days later and saw it ducked taped to it."

- MinimumGas5278

Kitchen Drama

"Sometimes he forgets to squeeze out the sponge when he does the dishes, but I can find it in my heart to forgive his wrongdoings."

- d**nedrascal

"Truly, your heart is an ocean within another ocean."

- Lars_Porsenna

"That ocean would be gone if he squeezed the sponge out. Clearly, he knows what he has."

- Excellent_Coyote6486

Who Does That?!


- Sinnersw101

"My stepdad would roast a Turkey every Christmas, strip off all the skin straight out of the oven... and throw it steaming hot into the bin."

"He was a psychopath in so many ways. I don't know how my mom put up with him."

- Alarming-Instance-19

Fears Of Cheating

"Falsely accessing me of cheating and wanting to cheat. Multiple times."

"My wife has PTSD from awful, awful things in her past, and it manifested in that way the first few years we were together. She's worked very hard to move past it to the best of her ability and it's been a non-issue for some time."

- Guns_57

"I am going through this with my wife of 13 years currently. She had a falling out with a mutual female friend and didn't tell me about it, then accused me of cheating with her because I didn't drop her as a friend right away. It got to the point that I moved out of the house into my own place where I have 50/50 custody of our two children."

"We are working through it in couples therapy and each in individual therapy. I am learning that there were lots of red flags and abuse that I ignored/looked past that have really impacted my own mental health over the years. I love her to death, and I know her actions are largely due to her unresolved past traumas, but the abuse cycle is going to end one way or another. I just hope it doesn't end in divorce."

- Grn_bit_primo

Never Get That Moment Back

"My mom (79, in assisted living) had been in the ER like twice a week, sometimes with something real like a UTI and sometimes just dehydrated because she refused to drink water."

"I had a big concert to sing in the next day, so my husband said he would take my phone so I could sleep. Sweet, sweet man."

"He got a call from the facility, saying that they were taking Mom to the ER. He figured she would be fine so didn’t wake me at that point."

"When the docs called asking about DNR, he woke me up. I didn’t get there in time. I had to sing at the concert that night, as it was too late to get a replacement. Mom’s hair had been colored because she was going to come to the concert with a nurse. I didn’t tell anyone she had died until after the concert, just so I could get through it."

"I literally collapsed after. Anyway, there’s no way he could have known that was the last ER visit, he was trying to care for me before the performance because I had been running myself ragged caring for her. I couldn’t be mad. But there will always be a wish that he had woken me earlier so I could be there for her last moments."

- diva0987

"I work in healthcare and have a lot of experience with long-term care, and unfortunately, it’s way too common for a UTI to turn uroseptic. A simple-looking UTI can turn deadly so fast, especially in the elderly, frail population. And UTIs are SO common."

"I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t know if it’s that the facility simply didn’t know how serious it was this time or if they intentionally left it vague, or if your husband just didn’t understand, but it’s extremely tragic, and I’m so sorry all the way around."

"I really don’t think this was your husband’s fault. I would be more inclined to blame the facility, but they likely didn’t know the severity either, and they got her into acute care asap (it sounds like), so it’s just one of those situations where it’s super difficult to place blame anywhere on anyone in particular."

"I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye to your mom and I really hope you know you didn’t do anything wrong and sometimes… it’s just their time to go."

- Girldracula19

Pizza Is Serious Business

"He ate the last slice of pizza and left the empty box in the fridge. It was a tough moment, but love prevailed."

- Obvious_Currency139

"Straight to jail, lol (laughing out loud)."

- Girldracula19

How Convenient

"He magically always has to poop when I ask him to do things, lol (laughing out loud)."

- Nearby-Cash5603

"Oh my god, my middle child used to do this ALL the time. It drove me nuts! He really does have 'bathroom issues,' but geesh son, better timing. He's much better now, but still does it occasionally. He's 24 now."

- Rare-Crazy9319

Not Friendship Material

"She went on a 'girl's weekend' trip, and didn't tell me until after she got back that most of the other girls brought their significant others, but her friend who set it up didn't like me, and came up with a bulls**t excuse for me to not be invited."

"I'm not sure she knew what her friend had planned, and the only other single people there were girls, so I don't think any cheating happened, but it was kind of s**tty, and it led me to cut her best friend out of my life for good."

- JudgementalChair

Told You So

"She was constantly worrying me with her lack of street smarts and common sense. I'll tell her not to do a handful of things because I'll have to go rescue her."

"Then I'll get the occasional call in the middle of the night, saying she did the thing I told her not to do, and I was right. Then I'd have to go and rescue her."

- Ouija429

Public Humiliation

"I asked him to hold my hand when we walked through a large crowd of people in a strange place in a foreign country. He knew I was insecure because I asked him for this help three times!"

"Instead, he decided he would just walk six to eight feet behind me and yell out, 'Left! Right! Right! Left!' etc. to direct me towards the correct elevators."

"I felt humiliated. Everyone was staring at me and I wanted to sink through the floor. All I wanted was for him to gently guide me by holding my hand, and he did this instead, making me the center of unwanted attention as I walked in confusion trying to find my way."

"I know, it sounds like a very small thing. Maybe it's even amusing to some people. But to me, it was totally embarrassing and frightening and I'm still working on forgiving him for it. Not that he ever asked for forgiveness or even apologized,... but this level of forgiveness takes awhile, and it's not for him, it's for me."

- Xylorgos

Such A Slap In The Face

"He watched 'Legend of Korra' before we'd even finished the first season of 'The Last Airbender,' although I literally begged him not to. I have forgiven him but this will not be forgotten."

- Anna_Stone00

Understandably Human

"He's a very good man so in 8 years I can only think of two."

"He promised to drive me to an exam. He left 15 minutes late and I was late for the exam. I nearly dumped him."

"Recently, he had blood tests. When I asked if he'd spoken to the doctor about a particular concern, he said no he hadn't."

"A mere two hours later, he confessed he'd lied. He was so worried about said concern and the doctor was the one to raise it. It scared him so much, he buried his head in the sand. When I asked about it he panicked."

"I forgave him pretty fast."

- Low_Engineering8921

Forgiven, And Yet

"Cheating while telling me I am the love of his life. I forgave him, but after a while, I realized how dumb I am, luckily."

- natasharich69

"I’m glad you realized you deserved better, friend."

- LadySygerrik

While some of these were hilariously unforgivable, like not cleaning up in the kitchen properly or eating the last of the pizza, there were other issues here, like public humiliation, that clearly were not forgivable for everyone in the comments section.

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