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People Describe The Absolute Worst Person They've Ever Worked With

Four people having a meeting
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Reddit user PhenomenalPancake asked: 'Who's the worst person you've ever worked with?'

Some people are lucky enough to become lifelong friends with their colleagues.

While others might have a healthy working relationship with them, even if they won't ever spend time together outside of the office.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky, as some people find themselves dreading seeing certain people when reporting for work.

Be it a horrible boss or a brown-nosing colleague, the last time they ever see these people can not come soon enough.

Redditor PhenomenalPancake was curious to hear about the worst people anyone ever worked with, leading them to ask:

"Who's the worst person you've ever worked with?"

Lesson Learned, Never Work Here!

"I was once hired as an 'unpaid' marketing intern in exchange for college credits."

"The role required me to work 20 hours a week, spread over 4 hours a day."

"During my first week, the woman who hired me assigned a task that would clearly take 6-8 hours to complete, all within the same day."

"I politely informed her that while I would do my best, it was unlikely I could finish it within the day's deadline and asked if that would be acceptable."

"Her response?"

A cold, 'Excuse me?'"

"I reiterated my concern, and she abruptly ended the call."

"Minutes later, I received a WhatsApp message from her stating that I no longer needed to work there."

"Within the hour, she contacted my professor to inform them they had 'let me go'."

"I ended up in tears on a Zoom call with my professor, who was supportive."

"As a result of the incident, my college blacklisted the company for future internships as they were clearly unprofessional."- Repulsive_Tale_8634

Smell You Later!

"An egotistical manager who drowned himself in far too much aftershave."

"Lied about everything, claimed to forget conversations, what was said during conversations or make something up entirely."

"Flipped between the worst micromanager (that didn't have a clue what was going on the majority of the time) or disappearing for the majority of shift, which was preferable tbh."- IJustWantedThis

Credit Where It ISN'T Due...

"Ugh, there was this one dude who was a total micromanager."

"Like, he’d hover over your shoulder, question every tiny thing, and then take credit for the work when it was done. worst part?"

"He never did anything himself, just barked orders."

"Working with him was a nightmare and made every day feel like a year."- petitesof_x

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Dandy, He Wasn't...

"F*cking. Andy."

"This guy's head was acoustically tuned to maximize volume."

"He would eat frosted mini wheats out of the box allllll day."


"He had the literal worst takes I have ever heard."

"Not like, political stuff."

"Just objectively wrong things."

"Provably wrong."

"It was infuriating because our cubicles pointed directly at each other, so I had unfettered access to the flow of stupid."

"I eventually popped and quit after two years, and didn't have a job lined up or anything because he actively made my life terrible for 8 hours a day."- TheShrinkingGiant

Insecure, Much?

"The backstabber whose job is mostly to talk about other colleagues' mistakes except for her own."- iamKathrynn

When You Got It, Flaunt It... Just Make Sure You Got It...

"We work for a lot of wealthy customers."

"We started working for a client last year who thought they were wealthy."

"Hands down the biggest d*ck head I've met in my life."

"Still owes us nearly 20 grand."

"Total pr*ck."

"Driving round in financed cars, likes to act like money is irrelevant and it doesn't matter if it's just wasted."

"Then doesn't pay bills."

"Looking forward to the day he loses his high-paid job and his financed world comes crashing down."- RulerOfThePixel

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"See The Pyramid" SCHEMES!!!

"My manager at a mall gift shop once invited me to a party at his place."

"'Who's going to be there?'", I asked."

"'Some friends, maybe 5-10 people, no big thing' he replied."

"'Sure', I said."

"Arrive at his place."

"No cars out front, it's quiet."

"Lights are on though."

"I ring the doorbell and Manager answers and lets me in."

"'Where is everyone?' I ask as I enter, as I notice there's hardly anyone else there."

"Except for one couple, both dressed to the 9's."

"At this point you might be thinking it was some sex thing, but no, it was worse."

"They pitched me Amway."

"I got a job at Wal-Mart a week later."- PrettyBigChief

There's Pity, And There's Self-Pity

"Coworker who trauma dumped to gain sympathy and pity."

"Everyday was a new excruciating story about her horrible abusive childhood, house fires, family member dying from drugs/gun violence."

"A lot of her life was tragic but a lot of it was her making herself responsible for some terrible people."

"After every tragedy, there would always happen to be a Gofund me or an office collection to help pay for funeral/repair/god knows costs."

"I don't think she was actually grifting on purpose but she probably realized early on in her life if she talked about tragedy in grisly detail, she'd get some type of handout."

"I think she only managed this for so long because we worked at a non-profit with a very high turnover rate."

"She had the perfect sympathetic audience that wasn't around long enough to call her on her sh*t."- Yellow_Vespa_Is_Back

Ironic How Low It Is To Pull Rank...

"I had a boss who tried to overrule my bonus structure within the first month of her employment."

"She stole a presentation I created and presented it as her own."

"She asked me to finish my degree, and the company would pay for it from our scholarship fund… which turned into her lying to our president and me screaming at both of them (I was a single mom with thousands of debt because of them)."

"She once told me that she could make me chauffeur her children around if she wanted to, because she was above me."

"She asked the president to fire me after I transferred out of her department."

"Now, reader, you might assume she was evil (she was) and malicious (indeed)… but she was also as dumb as a box of rocks."

"This woman couldn’t tell accounting from hieroglyphics if her life depended on it."

"When I finally quit that job, she requested an exit interview to which I ever so politely declined and wished her ill."- Independent-Salt8377

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It's One Thing To Be Organized...

"I'm a teacher. The first district I worked in was a mess, and my coworkers and I were pretty miserable in general."

Part of the problem was that we had to share classrooms."

"For instance, I taught one period per day in another teacher's main room, while the other two periods (block schedule) were in my main room."

"The teacher whose room I had to use once a day was a control freak and what I would classify as a 'high-conflict individual'."

"Everyone who had to share a room with her ended up complaining to administration because she would confront you during class and in front of students."

"And it was always over stupid sh*t."

"For instance, she accused one teacher's class of stealing her pens."

"She once got angry with me because she thought my students were moving her textbooks...?"

"They weren't; she was just paranoid."

"I'm so glad I got out of there years ago, but I still feel for whichever poor teacher has to share a room with that woman."-AnnaKomnene1990

Know Your Worth

"Had this one old lady who was obsessed with working hard."

"I got zero idea why a woman would be so loyal to a corporation that paid her minimum wage."

"You'd have a little rest like drink from a bottle of water or just have a brief chat with a colleague and she'd flip out saying you're lazy and get a lecture about how important it is to work hard."

"Turns out she ended up getting fired and lost out on all the bonus's the corp gave because they hated her."

"She taught me a valuable lesson."

"Corps never give a crap about how hard you work."

"Work hard enough so no one has to pick up your slack, but otherwise, just work for your money, and that's it."

"Don't give it your all, just do your job, and that's it."

"Never do extra unless they are willing to pay you more."- hefty_melons

"If You're On Time, You're Late Is Just An Expression"...

"At the community gym I managed, my boss hired an office assistant for himself (but it was really for me, to do his job)."

"She was a smoker who wreaked."

"I don’t have a problem with smokers."

"I have one problem with that if she works in a gym with students and senior citizens, and she just stinks like an ash tray."

"But wait!"

"There’s more!"

"She contacted HR because one day, after four years of me coming in ten minutes early, I go in at my start time."

"Worse yet, I had the audacity to text her that my car was parked in by a delivery truck."

"She knew I would not be ten minutes early."

"She made a big stink (aside from the olfactory type), and gym members heads turned to watch her berate me for being late."

"It was still two minutes before my shift."

"I went to the HR meeting, which was basically 'why can’t we just get along?', and it was fine for a week."

"She and I not speaking to one another was fine."

"Then, the pandemic shut down our business."

"I never saw her again."

"The end."- Realistic-Most-5751

Now You See Him...

"Had a coworker who thought 'collaboration; meant telling everyone else what to do and then disappearing when actual work started."

"He was like a magic trick: always vanishing right when you needed him."

"It was amazing... but not in a good way."- mysweaty_a**

How On Earth Does He Still Have A Job?

"My current coworker is absolutely terrible."

"He was essentially 'kicked out' of his previous job site due to laziness and sh*tty work ethic."

"So they sent the guy over to my job site, and rewarded him with his own office."

"He gets to sit in his office ignoring phone calls and emails while playing video games all damn day."

"He goes on vacation but never tells his coworkers."

"I had asked him to take care of something one day, cause I was going to be busy with a bunch of other sh*t and his response to me was 'Why can't you do it yourself?'"

"Took everything in me to not clock this guy in the mouth after that."

"We can see who's calling our lines on both of our phones."

"It's setup this way so he can cover my line in case I'm out, and vice versa."

"He must know he's just barely scraping by because every time my boss calls me, my coworker calls me immediately after that call ends asking what it was about, and if they were plan on making a personnel change."

"Never cares about any other person calling."

"At this point, I pretend he doesn't even exist."

"Though he makes it very easy to pretend."

"My boss can't stand the guy and has been trying to get rid of him since he started working for our company 5+ years ago."

"But when I bring these things up the owner, multiple times in the 18 months he's been working at this facility, and I'm always met with a 'well to be fair to him...' excuse."

"None of the other employees care for him either which makes my coworker staying at the company for 10+ years mind blowing."- bangersnmash13

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It is possible to maintain a healthy, and productive working environment without liking your bosses or colleagues.

That being said, any boss, coach, or colleague who gives you the age-old "I'm not here to make friends" speech, likely won't be an effective boss or colleague either.

As, while friendship isn't exactly conducive to a healthy work environment, respect most certainly is.

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