We all know them. We ALL have let them into our lives one too many times. They are the spotlight glutton. It is constantly a parade of... Me, Me, Me... ME! They may start the conversation about you, or us... BUT... it's a trap. They will always comeback to... ME. And we must start calling these people out. Maybe they are unaware, maybe they're just evil. Let's find out.
Redditor u/HuskyFireWolf wanted everyone to discuss their irritating attention seeking people, we all know a few.... they asked.... Who is the worst "attention seeker" you've come across?
Sister in law. At our wedding she did everything she could to steal attention away from her sister(my wife). She wore a dress that shed had altered to be both low cut and short skirted. Then when no one was paying her attention kept "accidentally" dropping things so she'd would bend over to pick them up.
When her dad re married she was telling people at the ceremony that she had cancer, but had come to terms with it (she didn't have cancer). terandir
100% Serious.
My fiancee has been my best friend since we were kids. Once, in high school, he was dating a girl who decided that after scaring the sh*t out of him by trying to cuff him to the bed against his will, she was going to threaten to kill herself if he dumped her.
About ten years later I ran into her at a party. She was there with her husband and infant son (not the kind of party you take a baby to, but okay). She proceeded to tell me how they never technically broke up since, being 15 years old, his answer to "If you dump me I'll kill myself" was to just stop talking to her. And because of that, they were technically still together and she was "cheating" on him with her husband, making her son a bastard.
She was 100% serious, and she also told me to tell him she wanted an apology. This was in front of a lot of very stunned people. eclecticsed
Tell me Grandma....
My grandma has to make everything about her. Literally everything, no matter the person or situation. And if the convo switches to where it's not about her, she gets visibly annoyed and you can see the gears turning in her head as she tries to figure out how to get the conversation back onto her. She constantly re-tells stories she's already told 1000 times back from when she was younger if she can't think of anything recent.
If I have to ever again hear about how she was prom queen back in 1951, or valedictorian of her 10-person 8th grade class, or how whenever she goes anywhere, everyone just LOVES her (she literally says "and you know, they just loved me" all the time), I'm gonna lose it. MyBunIsMyBestFriend
Bye Kitty...
My roommate's cat died last week. When she told her coworkers, one lady proceeded to start telling a story about a cat she kinda owned that never even lived with her that died 5+ years ago. She got so worked up that she started crying and the entire office started consoling the coworker instead of my roommate whose cat had died the day before. Unbelievable. the_purple_flowerpot
This is it....
I knew a girl in college whose father died at least 6 times over the span of one semester. Like, we would be hanging out, and then she gets a call, and then she drops the phone, her eyes go red, and the waterworks start. _Pornosonic_
Don't Lie.
There's a girl in my college classes who claims her dad owns a huge soccer team but doesn't know the name, she's dating one of the LA Lakers but can't give his name out, but she is also talking to someone who's in the NFL to keep her options open. She says her dad works at a local steel factory and has no idea where his extra money comes from because he gives her hush money then called another girl out in class for "lying to fit in." Pheonixxx95
There was a girl who used to be part of this group of friends that I saw on the odd occasion when I was a teen. I only met her twice, but on both occasions she started to full on sing super loud whenever everybody else was talking and she was not involved in the conversation. lyingcats
You Never Know.
There was this British tv show about bad mom's and one of them made her daughter dress way older then she looked (daughter wanted to wear a t shirt and jeans to go out to eat, mom made her wear tights, mini skirt, boots, tight T, sleeveless over coat, and a boat load of jewelry. Kid basically looked like she was In a Disney show) and would make her daughter randomly sing and do her cheer routine in public because "you never know who's watching, people get discovered on the streets everyday!" AnimalLover38
Don't fake.
There was a girl in my college that constantly would say stuff. During orientation she told people she was recovering from brain cancer (didn't happen) and was partially deaf (she wasn't). She then found out my friend had epilepsy so she started doing these exaggerated tremors. She then would fake seizures all the time for all the years she was there, which was a pain the butt because I would have to treat them like real ones. She did it once during a power outage for the most attention possible. She did it so often that once 911 hung up on someone calling it in because they knew it was her. needs-more-sleep
Anyone who "checks in" at the hospital on Facebook. screwedphilstudent
Or posts a picture in the hospital room then tells someone to message them for what happens or says they don't wanna talk about it. awkwardlypanda5
Who else wants to call some fools out?