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People Explain Why They Stopped Supporting A Company They Once Liked

woman holding white labeled plastic bottle
Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

Reddit user youngGod928 asked: 'What was the final straw that made you stop supporting a company you once liked?'

As we get older our tastes can change.

I don't use the shampoo or soap I used when I was younger or enjoy all the same foods or beverages.

I loved Dr. Pepper as a kid, but can't remember the last time I had one.

But sometimes we stop buying and using a product because of something the company did.

Reddit user youngGod928 asked:

"What was the final straw that made you stop supporting a company you once liked?"


"Panera—changed the whole menu and got rid of anything healthy."

"Then replaced it with cheap, sugary and smaller menu items."

"Oh, and then raised all the prices."

~ asspajamas

John Deere

"John Deere. Closed up a majority of their mom and pop decades old franchises that were the mainstay of a community. Now customers have to travel long distances to get parts or service."

"They do have online shopping, but not for large parts. The quality of the product has also gone downhill and the once reliable product is no longer that."

"They also continue to lay off and close up factories and move the operations to Mexico."

~ Maurakutney


"iTunes. Screwed up my heavily curated MP3 libraries."

~ tenderbuck

"It renamed 2000+ songs in my library of local bands from my youth to 'Unknown - Unknown'."

"Never fully recovered. Super annoying."

~ getmoneygetpaid


"Chipotle. I made an order through the app for pickup. A bowl for me and a salad for my mom."

"I paid for double meat and quac. I counted 5 pieces of meat and the guac serving was maybe a tablespoon."

"Whole container was only half way filled. My mother’s was also half way filled. $30 for both."

"I complained, with pictures and got no response. Out of principle, I will never eat there again and tell everyone I can to never eat there either."

~ mitch_medburger


"Instagram is getting old with all the influencer sh*t.

"I don’t even follow these f*cks and I still see all their content."

~ Human-Iron9265

"Agreed! I just want my feed back to people I follow and in order of them being posted."

~ missmurderer69

Fast Good Restaurants

"Realizing that pound for pound, the steak and lobster that I made myself for dinner costs less than the fast food burgers and fries that I had for lunch."

~ Oh_No_Its_Dudder

Seiko Watches

"Seiko repair center verbatim telling me that a defect I clearly see is not a defect because they claim to only see it with a lupe."

"So yeah, they confirm it's there, but I'm stupid for noticing it."

~ WN11

Craftsman Tools

"Craftsman brand hand tools—hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc.... When I was younger, they had an awesome return policy."

"If you brought in a broken hand tool for ANY REASON, they would replace it, no questions asked. You didn't even need a receipt."

"They had confidence in their product and stood behind them. Even if they did break and it was your own fault cause you were using the tool in a stupid way, they had your back."

"Then the accountants and suits got hold of the bottom line, and they started cutting back on quality, and then they needed proof of purchase, then they got rid of that policy altogether."

~ supadupa82


"Amazon. I used to love the convenience and the reliability of its products. Now so many of the products are Chinese third-party companies (whose name is a random assortment of letters) selling the absolute cheapest, lowest quality goods imaginable."

"When my prime is about to renew in October, I'm going to be canceling my subscription. I just don't trust the reliability of anything they sell anymore."

"There's no quality control."

~ EpicThunda


"Electrical issues with my Subaru. I LOVED Subarus; growing up we had them, I had two as an adult."

"My last Subaru had some weird electrical problem where it would just turn off. No reason given."

"The dealership couldn’t or wouldn’t figure it out despite having the car for two weeks to investigate."

"Said they couldn’t find anything wrong with it (except it randomly turning off) and said I could drive it off the lot and be hunky dory."

"Yeah, no, *shocked pikachu face* that I didn’t want to keep mystery turn off car."

~ Karkenna

Playboy Magazine

"I was a Playboy subscriber up to the Jessica Alba cover scandal. Things had been on a downward trajectory already, but that was the final straw."

~ -im-your-huckleberry

"Context for those who don't know: 'Alba was upset because she had not agreed to be on the cover and she worried it may have led readers to believe she appears nude or partially nude in the magazine'."


Uber Eats

"Not that I used them much, but Uber Eats. I used it twice in June because I had a $30 voucher and the food was free."

"In July a phantom order was placed for a restaurant I’ve never heard of. I saw the 'Your food is being prepared' notification and immediately canceled the $35 order, but since the kitchen had already started the order I was charged $27 after canceling the order."

"I immediately contacted Uber to ask for a refund and they absolutely refused. I ended up disputing it with my credit card company and they’re still reviewing it."

"I’ll never use anything Uber again unless I literally have no other option."

~ Actually_Im_a_Broom


"Starbucks for union busting."

"I was already not a fan of the changes they made to their rewards program, but this was the final straw."

~ gringgo

"Starbucks put all the cute local coffee shops out of business by doing the same thing—providing a cozy third space for people to hangout alone, study with friends, meet up etc..."

"Now they are actively remodeling their stores to be for cars only. My local one got remodeled and I went there and it felt distinctly like being in an airport."

"The few hard tables and chairs are right in the way of the line. I was so bewildered and looked it up and saw the CEO wants you to get coffee and GTFO—no longer a third space."

~ atlantachicago

Trader Joe’s

"Trader Joe’s joining forces with Amazon and SpaceX trying to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board."

~ Prance_a_lot

Southwest Airlines

"Southwest. I got stuck in their holiday travel nightmare."

"They swore up and down they'd pay for my tickets with another airline. They never did, despite filing a claim twice."

"There's nothing that drives me crazier than that kind of lying."

~ NebuLiar

What's a company you refuse to support any longer?

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