You never really know someone until you live with them.
Which is something couples discover when they decide to cohabitate.
Whether it's being more relaxed because of the increased familiarity or all the odd habits being visible for the first time because of 24/7 exposure, most couples experience a few surprises once they move in together.
Some are odd. Some are slightly alarming.
Reddit user SeasonBeneficial5871 asked:
"What's the weirdest thing you've discovered about your partner only after moving in together?"
Snack Pick
"He will occasionally (usually when I'm not around to be appalled) eat dry tortellini straight out of the bag when he's reading in bed."
~ WorldWideWig
Emergency Cuppa
"She has to have a kettle of water on the stove at all times."
"She rarely uses the kettle. It is 'in case the power goes out, and the good pump stops.'"
"We have city water service."
~ inkseep1
How Messy Is He‽‽
"He completely undresses before going to the bathroom to poop."
~ JasmineLaMore
"I only do this when it’s gonna be a war zone."
~ TravelinDak
"Toilet bowl lookin' like the Blitzkrieg after I'm done with it..."
~ Broely92
Sleeping Like The unDead
"In the middle of the night I will wake up to him having both of his arms straight in the air like a damn zombie."
"If I lay too close to him when he does this I get a surprise mammogram when he inevitably drops his arms down."
~ butt00why
"My ex slept with his eyes slightly open."
"The first night I thought he died."
"The second night I almost performed an exorcism."
~ Relative_Action_1711
The Great Towel Debate
"Evidently there is a right way and a wrong way to fold towels."
"My boyfriend is the same. And evidently, you have to fold each different thing a different way."
"I had to learn 6 ways to fold things and that's not even touching his clothes."
~ Seeila32
"Doesn’t dry using a towel and instead naturally air dries while wandering around naked."
~ whitelair2
Open Book
"She doesn't fully close cabinets or lids."
"She'll leave out a jar of anything (jelly, peanut butter, etc...) and give the lid a quarter turn then call it a day."
Wake Up Call
"He sets tons of alarms, but none actually wake him up."
~ brooklynskyeee
"My ex used to do that, it was infuriating. He set up something like 6 alarms starting at 6 am to go to work at 9 or 10 am."
"It would always wake me up, and I'd have to turn them off before they drove me insane. Of course, I could never fall back asleep."
~ _jimblo_
Porcelain Throne
"He gets a weird feeling in his tummy and then goes to sit on the toilet for an hour until he eventually has a bowel movement."
"I, apparently, wait until I get the cue to go to the bathroom before actually attempting. As I thought was normal."
"He quite literally made fun of me yesterday for kicking him off the toilet. 'You made me get up to only take 30 seconds?'."
"Dude, you've been in there for 45 minutes, and clearly nothing was happening, so you could just let me in like that because I actually have things to do."
~ WeirdConnections
"Dude needs to literally sh*t or get off the pot."
~ Oiggamed
"Fiber. They need more fiber. Lots of it."
~ poop_to_live
Midnight Gibberish
"I always thought that when movies or TV shows feature someone talking in their sleep, and they just spout random, silly nonsense, that it was mostly for comedic effect and wasn’t really a reflection of real life."
"Nope. My partner talks in his sleep and it’s always just absolute random, silly nonsense."
"The most recent one was, in a tone of dismay, 'There’s ice cream all over the stairs…' followed by a drawn out 'broooooooo'."
"He also just periodically giggles in his sleep, which, frankly, is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen from another human."
~ T3nacityDog
Coffee Clutter
"How every single cup of coffee is left 1/4 full all around the apartment."
~ aDi_19850722
"My wife leaves exactly one (1) swig in every cup."
~ VampireOnHoyt
"He sleeps like a vampire; sleeping on his back, with his arms straight by his sides or folded on his chest."
"Some nights he doesn’t even change his position at all. I was seriously concerned during the first couple of nights we slept in the same bed."
~ Rag1ngRedHead
Theater Salad
"We were fixing to watch a movie and he wanted popcorn. He said 'too bad we don’t have any lettuce'."
"I asked if he wanted a salad, he said 'No, I want popcorn and lettuce'. He said he never said anything at the movie theater because he always knows they never have lettuce."
"The man eats bites of lettuce and popcorn together. His whole family does."
~ IllTechnician5828
Cutlery Chaos
"He wanted to put all the cutlery just straight into a drawer without any divides between knives, forks and spoons."
"Just... all in there in a mess."
~ thekingofwintre
"While I'm cooking, he insists on opening the goddamn oven MULTIPLE TIMES to check if it's ready."
"Makes me homicidal."
~ geek_the_greek
Sleep Theatre
"My boyfriend sleep talks, yells, sings, and laughs."
"I’ve woken up in a panic thinking someone was breaking in because he had yelled at the top of his lungs 'WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE!' just to look over seconds later and see him with his eyes closed and mouth wide open."
~ awkward_tttaco
What surprises did you have after moving in with a significant other?