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People Describe 'The Weird Kid' From School They'll Never Forget

Young female student standing curbside
Vitolda Klein/Unsplash

Reddit user donutmight asked: 'What did "the weird kid" in your school do that you'll never forget?'

Reflecting on our time as young students, many of us have vivid memories of the different personality types we roamed the school halls with.

We may not have been friends with all of them, but we knew exactly the kinds of people they were.

Aside from the obvious rocks, cheerleaders, and band geeks, there were the goofballs, the rebellious ones, shy bookworms, and that one kid who was so unusual that they couldn't fall into any category other than "weird."

We know who they were.

The internet didn't disappoint when Redditor donutmight asked:

"What did 'the weird kid' in your school do that you'll never forget?"

These kids certainly left quite an impression.

Pushing The Teacher's Buttons

"Mouthed off to the teacher, who got so angry he stormed down the aisle, grabbed the kid's desk, and slid it (with the kid still sitting in it) all the way to the back of the class and made him sit there for weeks later."

"Same kid had a big brother who caught a fly in the library and popped it in his mouth and swallowed it whole."

– bettermenthq

Dental Trickery

"He had a tooth he was able to remove and put back in easily for some reason and would do it for a quarter. Surprisingly, i think he actually made quite a bit of money doing it because i constantly saw people paying him so good on him i guess."

– Dark_Inkorporated

Cute Stigma

"He used to get made fun of for having a Thomas the Tank Engine rolling backpack, so he set it on fire in the bathroom."

– Pikachubathwater

"We had a lot of charity-type things where you would donate school supplies to poor kids, and what ended up happening was that the super gangsta high schoolers walked around with Dora the Explorer backpacks, and it became a cool thing to do."

– According-Pie-1096

Renewed Interest

"There was a quiet kid in my school, Alex, who always carried a big notebook and sat alone, scribbling during breaks. One day, our art teacher asked him to share what he’d been working on."

"He had written an entire fantasy novel, complete with its own world, mythology, and languages. My class was amazed, and after that day, he was no longer seen as the "weird kid" but as the creative genius no one had noticed before.. no idea where is he now tho."

– betty9fb04

Peculiar Invitation

"Climbed into the first-floor lab through the window as chemistry lesson was in progress, posed dramatically at the door, announced 'Join me in the corridors of time' and left."

– Hivemind_alpha

Willie The Wiggler

"In my school in Scotland, there was a guy called Willie!"

"If you shouted 'Willie give us a wiggle' he would tuck his arms in like a t-rex and shake is hips back and forth 😂 . That image has never left me to this day!"

"AKA Willie wiggle."

– Any_Spare_change

It Doesn't Get Any Worse Than This

"There was a girl in high school who would hiss at people and carry around a stuffed pumpkin. She told me that I was fun to bully because I was too nice and wouldn’t do anything about it 😭😭 new low when you get bullied by the weird kid."

– LilSebastiansNum1Fan

Fun with food gets a twist.

Bagel Ambush

"He was a rancher's kid, and he showed up on the high school campus in a front loader filled with bagels. Literally hundreds of bagels and poured them out on the central terrace."

"Six foot high pile of bagels. He parked the thing back in the lot, walked back to his pile of bagels, and just started chucking bagels at people."

"Started a bagel fight that was legendary."

– KMFullMonty

Classtime Feast

"He brought a whole rotisserie chicken to class and ate it like an apple during a lecture."

– No-Performance-2440

"Was his name Max? Because my nephew kind of had a reputation for doing that. He disappeared at his sister’s graduation, returned with a rotisserie chicken, and ate the whole thing during the ceremony."

"He’d run a couple of miles to pick it up at a store. Apparently, he did it every day during lunch."

– orangutanDOTorg

Things got a little unsanitary.

Smear Campaign

"He was weird as f'k, but he smeared dog sh*t on his bully's combination lock before school, and everybody called the bully sh*t hands for 2.5 years."

– Always_Hungover

That Thing You Do Doo

"We called a kid Doodoo Brown for most of a semester because he sh*t his pants in class, but we only so hard on him because less than a month before, he absolutely humiliated a classmate who pissed herself in class."

"Well, I only went so hard on him for that reason (she was my friend, and it only happened because the teacher refused to let her go to the bathroom, and she didn't want to get in trouble), but maybe the others were just mean."

"It was middle school, and we were all f'king feral with hormones & general rage."

– wykkedfaery33

Some people are born legends.

Gassy Crusader

"Hey, I've got one from the perspective of a teacher, and it's pretty wholesome."

"I had one of the weird kids a few years back. The kid was sent to the principal office for the wackiest sh*t like putting chewing gum in other people hair but also HIS OWN HAIR etc. Didn't have a lot of friends."

"Anyway, I also had a special needs girl in that class. She was older than every other kid, and an adult helper was there to help her write down the class and explain things to her when needed. Anyway, the girl farted."

"It just went off and she looked up and I could see in her eyes she was panicking. Being the special need girl is always hard but to be the special need girl who farted in a class full 12 yo was even worse."

"Now, to the credit of my students, they wouldn't have mocked her outwardly and they were pretty understanding of this girl's situation. But before realizing that it was her, they would have made comments and asked who had farted. Already, I could see a few kids looking up from their papers and all. They all had the look of 'Who farted' and some were already laughing."

"But then, out of nowhere, the weird knight in Golden armor looked up from his test, grinning ear to ear and ripped the nastiest fart I've ever heard. He was a kid, but this thing sounded like a scream of a dying animal."

"Like I'm almost 30, and I don't do that. It sounds like that. Plus, he moaned the most obscene sound maybe ever. It sounded like 'UwU' years before UwU was even a thing."

"The entire class was either disgusted or dying with laughter. 'Weird kid' said he was sorry, then went off a second time with a pained look on his face."

"I had caught up to what he had done and why he had done it, I yelled at him just enough to be believable, asked him to go the bathroom if he needed to and asked him to stay at the end of the class. The entire class knew he had done f'k up. They all went back to their test, and the weird kid acted like nothing had happened."

"At the end of class, everyone left, but I told the weird kid to wait at the door. The girl's helper came to me and was like, 'OK, quick head's up, I think he did it on purpose to help the girl,' and I was like, 'Yeah, I think so too, but let him say that because maybe it wasn't it.' "

"I was 99% sure it was what he had done, but anyway, I let him back in and asked him why he had done that. I also told him I thought I knew, and he admitted that yes, he had done it to cover for the girl because he didn't want her to feel bad about it, and that way, people laughed at him, but that was because he was always doing things people laughed at, it was ok."

"I told him it was a cool thing to do, and he agreed and went on with his day like it was nothing."

"God damn hero."

– TheDeltaOne

Private Brunch

"Dude brought a waffle maker to school, and during PE, he stayed hidden in the dressing room until they locked it, and then he chilled there and made some waffles for himself until the class ended and the dressing rooms were unlocked again."

"The smell of waffles was nice tho."

– pablo603

There was a weird kid in junior high who was terrible at sports and was always the last to be picked on a team during P.E.

He surreptitiously hid from the class after roll call to avoid humiliation and disappointment for the constant fumbling and lack of coordination playing flag football or softball.

To pass the boredom from not participating, he would quietly sing the entire album of Belinda Carlisle's Heaven on Earth album, which was the perfect duration in time for the period to wrap up for the day and sneak back onto the field.

It was a strange way to pass the time, but it worked. I still know all of the album's lyrics to this day. ;)

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