Few things make a weather report funny. A random Facebook filter will definitely do the trick.

WLOS ABC 13 reporter Justin Hinton unwittingly offered an update about snowfall in Madison County, North Carolina, on Facebook Live with the Mystery Mask filter activated. The filter gave him googly eyes, a wizard's hat and a space helmet, amongst others.
“The (photographer) I was working with said something about the screen having weird faces," Hinton later wrote in a Facebook post.
"He didn't elaborate, so I said it would probably go away. Needless to say, it did not go away," he continued.
"My bosses, coworkers, friends… and more called/texted saying how funny it was."
It happens to the best of us!
The unfortunate mishap made Hinton's weather report viral. It has since been viewed across the world and he saw the humorous side too. Honestly all weather reports should have these filters.
“If you can't laugh at yourself, what's the point of laughter?" he wrote on Facebook. “I hope you enjoyed the snow day, and remember to smile and laugh!"