A Missouri State University student took a virtual victory lap when she penned an essay about scoring the man she loves. In the piece, titled, "You May Have Worn The Prom Dress With Him, But I Get To Wear The Wedding Dress," Victoria Higgins taunted her fiancé's high school girlfriend, who she imagined lost out.
In Odyssey Online, Higgins gloated about nabbing someone else's high school sweetheart.
Higgins said to her fiancé's ex-girlfriend, "You thought that you would marry your boyfriend and you thought that everything would work out how you had always imagined. I don't blame you though. He's great. You wanted everything with him, but you were just not right for him."
The Entertainment Management major wished she could offer condolences, but admitted she wasn't capable of having compassion for the former girlfriend losing out on the "prize."
You didn't do that right, and you were not meant to be together. You will find someone too, but I am happy that you were not the one for him.
She prefaced the following rant by describing herself as someone who has jealous tendencies.
Sometimes I have issues with jealousy, and I hate that you got all of the high school stuff with him. You got to go to games and support him. It kills me that I couldn't be there for him because I know I would have actually been there wholeheartedly. I would have done it out of love, not as a popularity appearance.
Having missed out on school dances and picking out a prom dress to match his tux were particular points of contention, even though Higgins will presumably spend the rest of her life with him.
So she made sure to remind the ex she'll be missing out on all those coveted activities leading up to a wedding.
I am getting to match his tux with our wedding colors. I got to go dress shopping in a sea of white, and he doesn't get to know one detail about that dress yet. He will get to see me walk down the aisle and then every day forever. I get to love him forever.
She concluded her diatribe with, " You got to dress up in high school, but I get to dress up for my wedding with him."
Twitter users had some thoughts about the strange article.
What does her essay say about her future marriage?
Some women sympathized with the soon-to-be husband. Does he know what's in store?
This would hold up well during a wedding ceremony...
H/T - Twitter, Odyssey