There's an ice breaker exercise that asks participants to share their secret superpower. Individuals would share the unusual skills and hidden talents they had that might surprise others.
This question reminds me of that exercise. What sometimes useless skill does a person have that they excel at.
Or as Reddit user Gobi_Silver asked:
"What are you unreasonably good at?"
Rolling With It
"Skeeball. I have brain damage, so it's not unusual for my movement to be, essentially, locked into one kind of movement."
"And I have trouble processing more than one thing, especially audio, so the distraction of noises won't exist, if I focus on one thing."
"It's a slow game, but since it's rolling a ball, not a fine motor skill task, means I'm quite good at it."
~ LeatherHog
Trivial Pursuits
"Remembering song lyrics and absolutely useless facts about anything."
"Sadly, I can't use this to my advantage because my talent is picky and won't work with actually important things."
"But hey, I can sing along with any song off my playlist from 10 years ago and tell you that sloths sometimes slow their metabolism down a little too much and just die."
~ DieDobby
Free Parking
"Finding parking in the city. A very underrated talent."
"The city is DC! It’s truly a gift to behold."
"I have a knack for finding free parking too, which is a dying parking breed."
~ ninasymone44
"I call it parking mojo and I also have it. I can go into DC at 8pm on a Friday and find a spot in of front my destination."
"I can also fit my car into any spot and it’s not small.
~ yourmomishigh
Total Recall
"Remembering things. But I’m too dumb to make it work to my advantage."
"People at work always get me for info on some obscure nonsense that we did once 5 years ago so we can do whatever it is that needs doing."
"Bro, I just wanna be left alone. I’m at work for the paycheck, any actual work that I have to do is an unfortunate side effect."
~ Business_East3659
Sticky Fingers
"I catch things that I drop before they hit the ground. Keys mostly. But like, every single time."
"A few years ago, in front of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, my friend suddenly dropped from heat exhaustion, and I grabbed his hand before his head hit the concrete."
"So, my skill finally paid off."
~ lump77777
Game Over
" Nintendo. Been playing Nintendo Entertainment Systems my whole life."
"I can beat Mega Man 3 in about 45 minutes without dying."
~ Gubble_Buppie
"That’s awesome. I’m an avid SNES veteran and I can complete Super Metroid in just under an hour."
"Now that’s almost 20 minutes slower than Oats’ world record, but still pretty good for a casual like me."
~ SeienShin
Master Of...
"My problem is kind of the opposite."
"I'm mediocre at everything and excel at nothing."
~ ResponsibleRatio5675
"Jack of all trades, master of none'. That’s an old phrase for a reason."
~ NoNeedtoStand
"'Though oftentimes better than a master of one'—is the rest of it."
~ Ok-Business-4351
A Firm Grasp
"I am really good with claw machines like at grocery stores and arcades. There’s something about them that I just seem to know how to navigate."
"One time I was with both of my daughters and played one and won. Obviously, I had put myself into a predicament—how could I choose who to give to?"
"So, logically, I put another dollar in and played again, and won again. Problem solved. Now they both get one."
"I play every time I pass one if I have cash or quarters. I have never seen anyone win as much as I do or even heard of anyone winning as much as I do."
"I even give my winnings to random people sometimes. It’s wild."
~ brains_and_eggs
What Beats Rock?
"For me, rock paper scissors."
"I'm not sure why or how I know what to do, but I have a very high win rate in that game."
~ Gobi_Silver
"How are you at the variant Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock?"
~ MyWibblings
Line, Please
"I'm unreasonably good at remembering obscure movie quotes."
"It's a useless, but fun talent!"
~ osamanazim
"Hahaha same! I can’t remember exactly what the movie was about but for some reason I can quote entire dialogues."
~ Lay26
~ cooljo-boi
"I was gonna write this too, but I'll do it later."
~ blamethepunx
Good Dog/Pig
"Scratching a dog in a way where it does the leg thing."
~ kickassgrandma911
"My dad refers to it as the 'fiddle spot'."
~ *pudding
"In guinea pigs, they're referred to as the 'giggle spot' because when you touch it they giggle."
~ Empty_Dish
Sniff Test
"Cooking by smell."
~ United_Grapefruit_
"I don't even need to watch what I cook."
"My sense of smell seems to alert me at the perfect moment."
~ Bort7654
Internal Clock
"I always know almost exactly what time it is."
"Without looking at a watch or a clock or whatever."
~ allineedisthischair
Sdrawkcab Gnidaer
"Reading upside down or backwards from the wrong side of the paper and deciphering the crazy handwriting of others."
"I do it so quickly and automatically that I tend to read things I shouldn’t, before I even realize I’m doing it."
"So, around me, don’t leave anything sensitive out, even if it’s upside down and backwards or written in chicken scratch."
"If I can see it, I can read it."
~ Affectionate-Ear7424
Some interesting abilities here.
Do you have any of these skills? What's your secret super power?