Folks with children in their lives who believe in the Elf on the Shelf might want their children to avert their eyes for this one—and start taking some notes in case of a magical emergency.
While visiting her niece's home, TikToker Tiffany Dawli witnessed the potentially life-changing moment when her five-year-old niece was left distraught over her younger sister touching their pair of Elves on the Shelf who live in their home.
For those who don't know, it's common lore that an Elf on the Shelf cannot be touched, or else it will lose its magic!
Fortunately for the crying five-year-old, Dawli's cousin who was on the scene and is a certified "elf doctor" was ready to assist.
Dawli filmed the miracle moment as her cousin kneeled down in front of the dollhouse where the two elves were resting on little doll beds. He cupped his hands over one, started chanting in "elf language," and then yelled, "Bam!" over the first elf, saying that it was now healed.
He then did the same for the second, which was met with cheers from fellow family members, and in the final moment, Dawli caught her five-year-old niece on camera, looking relieved.
Dawli explained in the caption:
"My five-year-old niece was devastated when her little sister touched the Elf on the Shelf, because it 'lost its magic.'"
"Cue my cousin, the hero of the day, who stepped in as an elf doctor and 'fixed' the elves."
"Crisis averted, magic restored, and Christmas saved!"
You can watch the video here:
@tiffanydawli My 5-year-old niece was devastated when her little sister touched the Elf on the Shelf because it ‘lost its magic.’ Cue my cousin, the hero of the day, who stepped in as an elf doctor and ‘fixed’ the elves. Crisis averted, magic restored, and Christmas saved! 🎄✨ #BigFeelings #ElfOnTheShelf #ElfOnTheShelfMagic #ChristmasMeltdown #ElfDoctor #HolidayTraditions #FunnyKids #Siblings #ChristmasDrama #ParentingHack #RelatableParenting #Holiday2024
Some were left in stitches over the uncle's commitment to the bit.
From speaking in tongues in "elf language" to the loud, healing shouts, fellow TikTokers were pleased with how quickly the uncle thought on his feet and how willing he was to help keep the magic of Christmas alive for his nieces.
Others confided what they had done to help the elves in their own homes.
From spreading cinnamon or sprinkles, to writing to Santa Claus, to setting age limits on the local lore, there apparently are multiple ways that impacted families can work around potentially losing their elves' magic to a tragic accident.
While this might have been a tough moment for the little girl, it will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable Christmases she can look back on while growing up.
Not only was it a close call for her beloved elves, but her uncle's willingness to help her will surely speak volumes, whether or not she knows the secrets of Christmas yet.