Created by Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) and directed by Danny Boyle (28 Days Later, Trainspotting), the FX original series, Trust, focuses on the abduction of John Paul Getty III, the heir to the Getty oil fortune. An all-star cast features Donald Sutherland as the patriarch J. Paul Getty, Hilary Swank as Gail Getty, Harris Dickinson as John Paul Getty III, and Brendan Fraser as James Fletcher Chace. Fraser has been out of the spotlight for a while, though he’s popped up in Texas Rising and the Showtime drama series The Affair.
Scheduled to premiere at 10 pm EST on March 25, early reviews of the series’ first three episodes have been generally favorable. Variety’s Sonya Saraiya describes the story as one “that feels like it might be worth the investment.” Saraiya goes on to write that Trust offer s”multiple thematic layers for entry - including a pretty bonkers magical realist layer, starring an apparently omniscient statue performer, that maybe has to be seen to be believed.”
Greg Evans of Deadline claims that, compared to the theatrical retelling of the same story, All the Money in the World, Trust “has a personality all its own." He goes on to say that while the ending to the true story isn’t a surprise to viewers, “[Harris] Dickinson has us caring enough about III to dread the whole ear thing everyone knows is coming.” The “ear thing” Evans is referring to when Getty III’s right ear was severed and sent to his family.
While it’s likely that Trust will receive the ratings needed to consider a second season, Beaufoy went into the 10-part first season with multiple seasons in mind. While a second season has yet to be officially announced, the series creator already has plans for future years. “The idea is to go back to the 1930s to discover how John Paul Getty I became this extraordinary person with this huge hole in his soul,” Beaufoy explains in an interview with Deadline. When pressed about the status of a follow-up season, Beaufoy didn’t say “yes” outright but revealed that “It’s all ongoing” and FX is “very happy” with the product of the first ten episodes.
Trust will air every Sunday at 10 pm EST on FX and the FX app.