Senior citizens were a reliable voting bloc for the Republican party, but multiple polls released earlier this month show Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by double digits among the demographic.
As a result, Trump released a bizarre video calling senior citizens his "FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD," a move seen by many as an attempt to shore up votes from them.
The sentiments expressed in that video were short-lived, as Trump continues to attack Biden for his age and baseless claims that his mental faculties should remove him from eligibility for the White House. Biden is 77, Trump is only three years younger at age 74, yet the Trump campaign still thinks attacking Biden's age is sound strategy.
On Tuesday night, Trump tweeted a meme mocking Biden as a nursing home resident.
The photo features a group of nursing home residents with Biden's face photoshopped on top of them. The words "BIDEN FOR RESIDENT" are featured under the photo. Trump is three years younger than Biden..\
While Trump's tactlessness didn't come as a surprise, his apparent total disregard for his own political palatability among a crucial voter bloc was astounding.
Trump's 65+ outreach last week: “To my favorite people in the world, the seniors. I'm a senior..."
Trump's 65+ outreach tonight: Mocking residents of senior centers.
— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) October 14, 2020
Yes, mock seniors in homes! That's how you win Florida! Genius!
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) October 14, 2020
Forget how shabby this is for a president. Forget that not a single apologist for Trump will do more than clear their throat and change the subject.
Trump NEEDS seniors.
He's been begging for them to come back to him. Why Tweet this? It's so stupid.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) October 14, 2020
When you're losing seniors by the worst margin for a Republican nominee since at least 2000
— G. Elliott Morris (@gelliottmorris) October 14, 2020
A day after the Trump campaign launches a multi-million dollar TV advertising blitz targeting seniors...
— Nicole Sganga (@NicoleSganga) October 14, 2020
AIDES: Mr. President, you're down double digits among seniors and you need them if you're going to win.
TRUMP: I'm gonna tweet Biden for Resident with a photoshop of him in a nursing home.
AIDES: That is the worst idea we've ever heard.
TRUMP: Check it out. Just tweeted it.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) October 14, 2020
They were disgusted by his immaturity.
You are a disgrace to the office of the Presidency for posting this. Pathetic.
— Pete Souza (@PeteSouza) October 14, 2020
you mean to tell me....the president of the U.S.....actually tweeted this......
— Sky Wickert (@skyannwick) October 14, 2020
no I'm crying cause this cannot be really him posting this🤣🤣🤣
— . (@yasmin_khann) October 14, 2020
Donald Trump is the oldest person to ever ascend to the office of the President of the United States.
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