We are totally at a crossroads of being.
Boomers and Millennials are fighting to be heard on all stages of life. The old must go out and the new must come in. The struggle for power and to be heard is astronomical.
Some things we are trying to be heard on? Which traditions need to become things of the past, of course.
u/stupidrobots asked:
What really needs to go away but still exists only because of "tradition"?
Here were some of the answers.
Doctor Butcher Baker Spy
GiphyNot sure if this happens elsewhere but in the UK, you lose your title as a Doctor when you become a surgeon because historically surgeons were butchers and barbers rather than qualified health professionals.
I know you shouldn't be a doctor if your only goal is to achieve that title but after all those years in medical school and surgical training (which is really long too), losing your title as a doctor for no reason other than history is pretty dumb.
The Capitalism Of Death
The traditional funeral with embalming the corpse and viewing it.
And the zillion dollar industry built around embalming / viewing corpses.
I told my wife to have me incinerated and crushed into a diamond which would be fitted to the hilt of a sword, so I can possess the person holding it.
Bride kidnapping. In Kyrgyzstan, there's a plethora of forced marriages that women don't consent to. If a man wants a woman, he can get a group of his buddies to kidnap her and she's basically forced to marry him. Brutal.
For The Animals
Shark fin soup. Where they cut off the fins of thousands of sharks a year only to discard the shark back into the water to bleed out. The soup is a tradition in parts of Asia.
Why Make Us Do Math
Maybe not "tradition", but not including tax in prices and needing to tip. I was in Australia recently and the price they say is the price you pay. The price seems higher but if you remember that it includes taxes and tip it's actually about the same.
Before we got married, my wife's mother continued to demand that she wear an apron in the ceremony over her wedding dress. This was to signify her new role as a housewife, and to allow a place for men to put money in exchange for dances. Both of these reasons made both my wife and I feel skeevy. MIL claimed it was a tradition from Poland (whether this is true or not I'm not actually sure) and that it was demanded of us during the wedding. So we just eloped at the courthouse and avoided the drama.
Vulnerability As Strength
The stigma against expressing your feelings (especially if they're negative, and ESPECIALLY if you're a guy) and the idea that seeking help for mental or emotional problems is weakness. This might not be as prominent as it once was, since people have become more aware and accepting of mental health issues, but I have to wonder how much less suffering there would be if people didn't feel like they had to bottle up their feelings all the time and "tough it out".
The Ice Is Thicker Now
That thing at the beginning of the semester where you go around and say something about yourself. It never bothered me too much, but it was clear that half the class was having a panic attack. And, absolutely no one learned anything or "broke any ice."
Literally no point outside making a bunch of people uncomfortable.
Things That Have No Worth
Most of the diamond industry. Especially on engagement and wedding rings. We can produce diamonds in a lab that are indistinguishable from ones that formed underground.
Bye Bye Toxic Family!
GiphyThat family is so important that if they treat you like sh!t you can't cut them out of your life (Since everyone seems to be focused on a quote where literally no one knows the origin instead of the actual belief that needs to 'go away').The belief that 'blood is thicker than water.' No. If your family is toxic, boot them out of your life.