Former Beverly Hills 90210 actor Tori Spelling let fans in on a little secret about her aversion to drinking water.
"First of all, I don't drink water, which, if you know me, you know me, and you know that's just crazy weird," she divulged on a recent episode of her misSPELLING podcast.
She admitted she was an "anomaly" despite "the factual numbers, the percentage, our body is comprised of 75 percent water".
She clarified:
"And when I say I don't drink water, I don't drink water, like how I'm still living, no one knows."
The 51-year-old author of her 2008 biography Stori Telling compared herself to "cacti," adding, "Just water me once in a while, and I'll somehow survive."
You can listen to her comments here.
Spelling explored the origins of her aquaphobia in another recent episode of her podcast.
It went back to when an individual presumed to be her ex-husband, Dean McDermott, took a suspiciously long time getting her a drink after she had asked him to grab her one before they left for an outing.
"And he brought it to me and I looked down at it, and he said, 'What?' she recalled, telling him, "It took you a long time."
"I'm the kindest person, you guys know that, and I would never say anything mean," she said, but remained half-jokingly concerned about the time it took for her ginger ale to be brought to her, fearing McDermott might've poisoned the beverage.
"It's not Dean-specific," she clarified. "I think that's important to know. It's like anybody who took that long, we would assume is poisoning."
@misspellingpodcast If you know Tori you know she is water drinking adverse! Tori is a one sip wonder that for reasons we explore today, is able to live her life in a state of dehydration. Is it because she believes each sip of liquid could be her last? That any beverage not from a can might be poisoned? Even by those closest to her? Join Misspelling as she opens the faucets and pours over the reasons why she is such a selective sipper, and how she will spill this truth about herself on a dating app! #podcast #misspellingpodcast @Tori Spelling
Spelling further joked about her penchant for drama stemming from her roots.
Her late father was a famous TV producer for nearly four decades, with credits for hi-camp drama series like The Love Boat (1977–1986), Dynasty (1981–1989), 90210 (1990–2000), Melrose Place (1992–1999), and Charmed (1998–2006).
"I mean, I'm Aaron Spelling's daughter. Hello! The creator of drama-rama storytelling. Hello!" quipped the Hollywood scion.
The anecdote of McDermott taking forever to bring her the ginger ale triggered a past memory, reminding Spelling of when her mother crushed some baby aspirin and spoon-fed it to her mixed with Coca-Cola.
She said:
"So this goes back to childhood. This is crazy."
"This irrational fear of handed-over liquids from other people, but it ties into my fear of water because I don't drink water. I don't call it a fear of water. I just call it—I like to say, you know, I hate water."
While a cup of water will never be a top priority, the actor said on the podcast that she drinks ginger ale, Diet Dr. Pepper, and wine to hydrate.
Her distaste for H20 has taken its toll; she's been hospitalized twice after fainting.
In last April's episode of misSPELLING, she explained she passed out, "Most likely because I was dehydrated, because I hate water. I don't drink water."
"I'm like a succulent or a cactus. What's the one you ... never have to hydrate, but yet it still lives barely considering that. I don't know. I'm not thirsty, like I never crave liquids," she said and added that she doesn't sweat or get thirsty.
She also theorized that she may have "drowned in a past life or something, or poisoned."
"I was definitely poisoned," she said.
Sounds like a plot point from one of Daddy Spelling's TV shows.