There are very few people on earth who don't find themselves beholden to a budget, or figuring out ways to reduce their spending.
Most of the time, people feel the only way to save money is by making considerable compromises they would rather not, such as walking in lieu of taking the bus or subway.
A decision which also adds time into their presumably long day.
Others, however, find slightly more pleasing hacks to saving money, which also gives them extra time in their day.
Improving both their well-being as well as their bank accounts.
Redditor mrtechphile was curious to learn about people's favorite time and money-saving hacks, leading them to ask:
"What’s a tip that has saved you the most time or money?"
Upcycling Is So In!
"Knowing how to sew."- JustJJeal
Just Pop It in The Oven And Enjoy!
"Meal prepping has been an absolute game changer for me."- HannaZukiXOXO
What's In A Name?
"Store brands are sometimes just as good as name brands."- Mamaofthreecrazies
homer simpson electronics GIFGiphy
Ready And Waiting!
"Grocery pick up."
"I don’t go in the stores to shop. I order online and pick up when ready."
"This way I do not grab things not on my list."
"Plus I save time cause I’m not walking the aisles."- missionwonderwoman
Worth The Time And Effort?
"When you want to buy something (and you earn your wage hourly), consider how much the product would cost in hours worked instead of just the cost in amount."- lolasworldxx
All In A Day
"In all honestly, looking at my spending nearly on a daily basis."
"It’s easy to forget about the small purchases, and those add up quick."
"The more you have your eyes on it, the more you will be on yourself about spending."
"Then it almost becomes like game or challenge to see how much you can save once you get some good rhythm going."
"Probably not the answer you were looking for, but I hope this helps."- ketchupandcheeseonly
Season 4 Money GIF by SpongeBob SquarePantsGiphy
The Only Thing That Matters Is If It Works
"Everyone’s saying meal prepping etc. missing the wealth-killer: cars."
"The difference between a new and a 5-10 year old car could be $50,000."
"As long as you don’t make that mistake (most people think they deserve a fancy car), you don’t have to worry about the smaller things as much."- WhenTimeFalls
How Much Do You REALLY Want It?
"If you see something and you want to buy it, don't buy it immediately."
"leave it for at least 2 days, and you'll realize you don't want it anymore."- TongueGuru2
Think Winnie The Pooh GIFGiphy
Ironically, Not Worth The Time?
"Time-shares are a waste of time and money."- HeartonSleeve1989
It's There For A Reason...
"Public transportation."
"This was particularly good for me, as my company pays for my orca pass."
"It was costing me about $600 a month to drive to work and pay for parking (between gas and parking fees) and the commute was about 2 hours long because of traffic."
"Since then, parking fees have gone up about 40% and gas prices have risen, so it's probably more."
"Now I ride the train to work every day and I'm at work in an hour."
"Doesn't cost me a dime."- SweetCosmicPope
When In Doubt, DIY
"Making your own mayo and dried herbs at home saves you money."- Babe_SimpMeDaddy
Bath Salts Herbs GIF by Crystal Hills OrganicsGiphy
Worth A Try?
"Don't buy anything ever."- Al_B3eer
One Way Of Looking At It...
"My grandpa once said, 'Dont spend anymore than you need on something you're just gonna sh*t later'."- Opening-Future3991
Always Wise To Think In The Long Term
"Buy once, cry once."
"Meaning, buy the quality item the first time instead of the similar but cheaper quality item over and over and over."
"Kitchen knives, winter coat, appliances, mattress, work boots are quick examples I can think of."- SuperDuper___
Taraji P Henson Swag GIFGiphy
Making compromises and sacrifices is never easy.
But when you see the amount in your checking account increase from month to month, it will become readily apparent that it was well worth it.