It should be no secret school dress codes contain double standards for males and females and often discriminate against gender non-conforming and nonbinary students.
Most often, males are permitted to wear whatsoever they please so long as it conforms to often antiquated stereotypes of masculinity.
Whereas females are forbidden from wearing certain items because it is "distracting" to males.
Two teenagers in Illinois decided to test if their school's dress code was sexist.
@drooscroo #dresscode my friends who have been dress coded for wearing clothes like mine @avvacado @grace.gustafson3 @_ella_nolan_ @el.nicole @alainamullerr …
Drew Jarding, the original poster, or OP of the video, decided to test what would happen to him if he dressed in outfits that would easily get his friend, Kenzie Crimmins, cited for a dress code violation.
Predictably, as someone who presents male, Jarding received zero challenges to or feedback about his various outfits, each of which were technically against the dress code.
Donning a similar outfit at one point to his friend Kenzie, in which both outfits were revealing their midriffs, both Drew and Kenzie were unsurprised Kenzie was written up by the end of the day for showing too much skin.
"Honestly, it just makes me want to wear clothes like that more, because the standards are so not the same," Kenzie told Buzfeed.
Drew Jarding has continued this experiment.
Several more videos on his page follow him attempting to specifically flout or break the dress code.
The dress code reportedly "prohibits spaghetti straps or straps that show too much shoulder, crop tops and ripped jeans. Likewise, pants, dresses and shorts must be below the knee."
@drooscroo we’re talking to the school board @crystal_fragogiannis @alainamullerr #dresscode #sexist
@drooscroo #dresscode #sexist
@drooscroo #pov dress codes are sexist pt1 #dresscode #sexist
@drooscroo they really wrote up @kenziecrimmins and didn’t say anything to me #dresscode #sexist
Dress codes have been the topic of conversation across the country for some time, as the double standard of females being forced to police their bodies for the purpose of managing the behavior of males comes more and more under a microscope.
Hopefully Drew and Kenzie's experiment puts their own school district's code into question.