Many of us have had to ask for help at some point in our lives.
Oftentimes, it is a challenging thing to do, even in our most difficult circumstances.
However, when help is asked for, good people show up.
Erynn Brook was on her way home from work when she encountered a woman. The story of what happened next quickly went viral.
Sometimes a happenstance meeting can shift someone deeply.
Many would have ignored this girl, but Erynn decided not to.
Then, only a laminated page to guide her, Erryn jumped into action.
Then she offered to stay with the girl until her stop.
She was flabbergasted by the vulnerability of having a seizure disorder.
Then, Erynn decided to get the girl home.
This brought up many feelings about the ways in which we interact with each other, and what few defense mechanisms this girl had.
She called us to action.
Before addressing larger and more systemic issues.
She noted the difference between accommodating someone and truly helping them.
Many people's hearts were warmed.
This is how you show up for people.