Teaching requires a very special type of person, typically someone who can not only handle a rough day and demanding schedule, but also someone who has a sense of humor.
For this third-grade teacher, being able to see the humor in the moment was exactly what she needed.
Third-grade teacher, Shannon Maxey, greatly enjoys a good cup of coffee. So much so, she keeps her own Keurig and coffee supplies in her classroom, including vanilla almond flavoring syrup.
But only when one of her third-graders asked her what could have been a very embarrassing question did she realize her students actually thought she was adding liquor to her coffee, instead of flavoring syrup.
Maxey's student told her she needed to ask her something in private, so she knew something was up.
Once alone, her student asked her:
"Why do you keep liquor by your coffee?"
Maxey had to laugh when she heard this, and quickly explained what was actually inside the bottle.
She later reflected on the moment, stating:
"I drink coffee every single morning when my kids come in... In hindsight, every time I would go in for a second cup (which wasn't every day), the kids would say, 'Dang Mrs. Maxey, you're having MORE coffee?!'"
She found the moment to be so hilarious, she had to share it with her Facebook friends, including an image of her coffee station setup in her classroom.
The post quickly gained attention, with more than 5,000 comments and over 27,000 shares, mostly from fellow teachers and amused parents.
Shannon Leigh Maxey / Facebook
Shannon Leigh Maxey / Facebook
Shannon Leigh Maxey / Facebook
Shannon Leigh Maxey / Facebook
Shannon Leigh Maxey / Facebook
This is definitely one of those situations where a teacher would need to find the humor in what could have been a really horrible misunderstanding.
But as Maxey pointed out, it's wonderful to see she was able to create an environment in her classroom where her students could be comfortable asking questions like what's going on with her coffee.
In this case, everyone managed to have a good laugh, and Maxey certainly came out the other side with one of those teaching stories that will always make her, and others, smile.