When entering into a new romantic relationship, there are always adjustments to be made.
No matter how compatible you seem with your new partner, you will find yourself adjusting to a new rhythm and routine.
Perhaps most annoyingly, you might compare your domestic life to those of your other coupled friends.
Most of the time, these comparisons are fairly futile, as every relationship is different.
However, sometimes you may discover that certain elements of your relationship appear to be unique.
For better and for worse.
Redditor was curious to learn about elements in people's relationships that they considered to be everyday, but proved to be anything but, leading them to ask:
"What did you think was completely normal in your relationship until somebody pointed out it was weird?"
Couldn't Wait Till Morning?
"Waking me up in the middle of the night to continue a fight."
There's Devoted, And Then There's Clingy
"My first girlfriend (3rd year of college) was at my side every waking moment."
"No matter what I was doing, where I was going."
"Any movie, errand, we were NEVER apart."
"Second girlfriend didn't feel like going to the book store with me, and when I looked deflated, she said, 'Go without me; we can do different things.'"
"Never occurred to me."- Flailing_Aimlessly
Spoiler Alert!
"I thought it was okay to get a few episodes ahead on Netflix without my partner... until a friend pointed out that I was basically committing a relationship crime."- BigRusty1047
Happy The Simpsons GIFGiphy
Talk About Comfort Level!
"My last girlfriend and I were nudists in our house."
"Basically from the time we entered the house to when we got ready to leave for work we were both in, at most, boxers/panties."
"One time a friend was coming over to grab something from me while I was at work."
"I didn't think about my ex being home at that time and didn't think to inform either that the other might be there."
"She was chilling on the couch completely naked watching tv and he just came in without knocking thinking the house was empty."
"Everyone was chill about it, but he informed me how odd he thought it was that she was just chilling naked."
"I told him that that's how I lived too, and it really blew his mind."- Assistantshrimp
Everyone Deserves A Good Night's Sleep
"There's still prejudice when a couple doesn't share a bedroom."
"In our case, he snores, I have a light sleep."
"We both move a lot during the night."
"I'm always cold, he rarely sleeps with blankets."
"I like to read until later, he likes to sleep earlier than me."
"We cuddle at night/in the morning."
"After resting properly, we are keen to see each other."
"The few nights we share the same bed/bedroom, I was miserable."- island-breeze
Shy Bladder Is A Real Condition!
"We always close the door to the bathroom when using it."
"He’s seen me give birth, but we still are a 'door closed' type of couple and have never seen each other using the toilet."
"I’ve had people tell me that 'you’ll get over it eventually', that we must not actually trust each other, or that our relationship is immature because we want privacy in the bathroom."
"I’m sure it goes both ways, I find it completely crazy that some couples poop in front of each other!"- 1O12O7
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"What's Yours Is Mine, And What's Mine Is Yours..."
"Codependency... literally everything was done together to the point of... unhealthy."- Corgsploot
She Does Exist!
"My first girlfriend never came anywhere with me."
"She was a homebody, and I was not."
"In college, I was easily going out 5 nights a week, and she never complained once."
"It was like 2 years before she met one of my friends."
"That friend said she thought that I was gay and made her up so I wouldn't have to do things with girls while I was out."-esoteric_enigma
...Maybe That Bag Should Have Been Put To Use?
"Having a to-go bag with meds, clothes, books, toiletries, cash, important documents when my wife would get so mad at me I didn’t feel safe."- GrimCT3131
Speaking In Code...
"After 15 years of being married together my ex and I developed a sort of language that caught some friends off guard."
"We were at a NYE party and the small party gathered around the TV to watch the countdown."
"As we were getting close to the moment wife was struggling with a strange remote so I opened my hand and made the 'ch-ch' sound meaning 'lemme have that'.”
"Wife responded with 'doot doo' meaning 'f*ck off I got this'."
"Brother of the homeowner busted out laughing asking us if we have an entire language built up… we kinda did."- Biff_Bufflington
Be Quiet Season 5 GIF by FriendsGiphy
That's What Friends Are For
"I always had a NEED to be with someone as I was growing up, had an unhealthy home which I'm now dealing with the consequences from, some 30 years later."
"But for me it was common to basically find what ever girlfriend I could and just spend as much time as possible with them, basically sleeping over from like age 13 spending most of the time I could with them, because when I was alone my mind would spiral."
"The weirdest time in hindsight was when I was 14 and basically dated a group of friends."
"They would each be together with me, break up with me but go 'Oh, by the way, my friend x would like to date you now' and I would shrug and date her for a week before she passed me on to the next girl."
"It all stopped when I met my most impactful friend in my life, she was everything I needed while nothing to me romantically, so I would sleep at her place as often as possible, we always slept close to each other and basically cuddled, but we never did anything more than that and it showed me that I could just get that comfort without needing to do all the couples stuff of kissing and all that and it just calmed my mind to a point where I was content for the first time in my life."
"And I always knew that she'd be a stable point to return to."
"We spent a good 2 years like that before she basically fell off the map completely."
"She changed my needs in life though, so I'm always grateful to her for fixing a small broken piece of me."- Aurori_Swe
Yay Diplomacy!
"My husband and I don't fight."
"Practically ever."
"We have calm discussions when we disagree and always find a solid resolution."
"Been together 10 years, and I can count on one hand many fights we've had."- Original_Translator9
Cheesy, But Sweet
"My bf and i got together because he anonymously made me cheese and left it at my door."
"It stole my heart when i found out it was him."
"Anyway, people find this story weird and hilarious (he still makes me cheese to this day)."
"If you guys didn’t know this is one of the only ways you can get a double introvert couple."- chipperland4471
Cheese GIFGiphy
Sharing Is Caring
"Newlyweds, but even prior to that, whenever we go to a restaurant, it doesn’t matter the cuisine. We’d order 2-3 things we’d both agree on and share."
"We went on a double date, and the other couple was like, yea, we don’t share…"
"You get what you want I get what I want, didn’t realize it was a strange thing to always do, but maybe it’s because we don’t get out much lol."- More-Life-714
It Never Hurts To Be Reminded That You Are Loved
"saying 'I love you” often."
'When we hang up the phone we always say it to each other, when we leave for work etc we say it, it just comes out randomly."
"Like if we’re both busy I’m reading and him on his game we’ll just check in with an 'I love you'."
"i’ve been on the phone to him before and we’ve said love you bye but then i had to recall him for whatever reason and we say it again my friends made a comment about it and i’ve noticed when she hangs the phone up with her boyfriend they don’t say it?"
"Like this is something we have always done, mainly because say one of us gets into an accident we’d feel more kind of at peace knowing the last thing we ever said to them was that we loved them."
"Like even in arguments we do it we reassure each other throughout that we love each other."
"I guess it could stem down to abandonment issues and neglect from his point of view (very troubled past) and with me I like to make sure he’s loved and it’s always lovely being told that."
"idk."- ComprehensiveDog3799
Everyone has the tends to raise their eyebrow at anyone who lives their life even the slightest bit differently from us.
And being the recipient of that raised eyebrow, particularly from other couples, can be a very uncomfortable place.
However, as long as you feel happy and loved in your relationship, the fact that your relationship is unique is ultimately a moot point.
Especially if cheese is a factor.