Being part of a rare statistic sounds like a cool, interesting thought.
With 8 billion people in the world, being a number in a very small percentage certainly is unique.
And who doesn't want to be unique.
Different color eyes. Extra organs. Meeting your favorite celebrity.
Plus you'll never run out of chatter at parties.
However, that blessing can be a mixed bag.
There are far too many sad statistics and groups people would never want to be a part of.
Survivors of violence. Disease. Political cults.
It's all in the numbers.
Redditor Haunting-Leg1496 wanted to hear about what small, unique groups not that many of the population are a part of, so they asked:
"What rare statistic are you a part of?"
I wish I had some interesting, rare information about myself.
Alas, I'm just regular.
And you?
"I’m an identical twin, which by itself isn’t rare but we are bookends. I’m a righty, and he’s a lefty."
"Same for me—actually, my twin and I are mirror twins (lefty/righty, hair whorls opposite directions.)"
Number Swap
"I was born on the same date as another guy of the same name, and his mom had the same name as my mom. So the social security dept issued us both the same social security number. It took 18 years to figure out the mistake when I was denied a student loan because the other guy applied first. Also, his tax returns got denied for a while because I always submitted mine first. Also, I got bacterial meningitis when I was 20, which changed my eyes from blue to green."
Extra Chompers
"Myself and my dad both have/had 3 sets of teeth. Baby teeth and then two sets of adult teeth. For me, I lost my baby teeth. Adult teeth moved in over time as they do and then I’ve lost many of those over the years. Never had any teeth that needed to be removed surgically or even pulled. I have a vivid memory of when I was about 15-16 and was playing basketball with my dad. He spun around and accidentally elbowed me in the mouth."
"Knocked three teeth out and was devastated that I was going to have a huge gap for the rest of my life. Eventually, more teeth moved in to fill the space. Talked to my dentist about it years after and he confirmed that he could see the others in the X-rays. So I still have a few more to go possibly. He did agree that it was unusual."
"I should also add that the adult teeth that were lost over time didn’t just fall out on their own. I’ve been very clumsy most of my life and have been in many accidents where my mouth hit; the dashboard, and cement curb. Basketball goal pole, baseball bat, bicycle handlebars (which left me physically scared on the chin)."
"I have prosopagnosia (face blindness), a mild form. I think this is actually more common than people think, but some people don't know they have it. I didn't figure it out until I was like, 35. You just go through your life thinking you're a dumdum who's not paying attention, or not realizing that other people can recognize faces well. I was also the first woman in the world to do my specific job."
Trendy Times
"My hair started going Grey at 13. By the time I was 23, it was completely white."
"White hair is so beautiful! And now it’s really trendy too."
My hair is greying and I do NOT approve, for me.
Maybe one day though.
Nobody to Find
" told me I'm in the 1% of the population of people they can't match a partner to. Awesomeness!!"
Blessings & Courses
"On a sour note, I have multiple sclerosis. On a sweet note, I'm one of the rare cases where daily treatments have seemed to almost make my brain lesions disappear in my scans now. They went from very large to barely there, and some have even completely gone away. I'll still always have the condition and will still always need to live life on the low and slow/chill so as not to bring on a relapse, but so far I count myself blessed given how things can be with this disease."
Grumpy bandit
"False arrest. I got pulled over and arrested for bank robbery, because I happened to be driving away from the area where it just happened, in the same make/model/color vehicle as the robber, wearing the same color hoodie, same age, and description - right down to the level of baldness. The guy was known as the 'grumpy bandit' because apparently, he was more rude than your typical friendly bank robber."
Super Rare
"I am. 1 out of 14 people total worldwide who had a super rare form of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis that tried to spread to my other organs. That was already rare but what only the 14 of us have in common is that we caught it because our T cell counts were low enough to be comparable to an AIDS patient. To this date, there is still not an explanation for our t cell counts even after genetic testing."
"My little brother also has a super rare medical condition. He has a rare unexplained brain cancer that only around 8 male children at the time of his diagnosis had. None lived past the age of five. Got approved for experimental radiation treatment and is down in history as the youngest person in North America to receive radiation treatment. Now he is 20 years old and the oldest living survivor of this cancer."
Babies have no concept of time.
They're so inconsiderate.