A guy on TikTok—and his over 13 million viewers—got the last laugh after a Tesla driver's road rage hilariously backfired, all thanks to a Tesla safety feature.
TikToker James (@jamesisnotverynice) couldn't wait to get home to share his story with viewers. But he had to because, according to his story, he was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Thankfully for James, and for all of us viewers, the time in traffic was loaded with entertainment at the expense of a raging Tesla driver.
The TikToker took to the platform and began:
“Just letting you all know you cannot road rage in a Tesla."
"It doesn’t work out for you.”
He then explained the situation.
"I was on the highway... This dude to my right starts trying to merge in. He's in a Tesla."
"He starts trying to merge in front of me. There is not enough space for him to get in."
But that didn't stop the Tesla driver from trying.
"He keeps coming, keeps coming... He like almost hits my car."
The TikToker honked at the driver and was met with a middle finger.
In an attempt to get back at the TikToker, the Tesla merged behind.
"He's now riding my a**, flipping me off in my mirror, just constantly."
And then the TikToker's light bulb went off.
“And then I remember... Teslas have one of the most sensitive auto-braking functions in like all of cars.”
He continued:
“So I start having some fun with it."
"I’m seeing him in the mirror. He’s inching forward. I tap my brakes a little bit.”
This caused the Tesla to brake immediately, further angering the driver.
But the TikToker wasn't done having his fun.
“I go a little further, tap on my brakes a little bit, and he can’t get over because it’s bumper to bumper."
“He can’t move. He’s stuck behind me in his car.”
James finished his video:
“I have never in my life enjoyed bumper-to-bumper traffic until today."
“I mean, that was the most fun I’ve ever had in my car."
"I was dying laughing for 20 minutes.”
You can watch below.
WARNING: NSFW language
@jamesisnotverynice Thank you tesla for making traffic fun #fyp
Viewers were equally as entertained.
And several thanked the TikToker for dropping that little nugget of knowledge.
And now 13 million more people in the world know about this.
We have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more angry Tesla drivers soon.