We've all had a moment where we've agonized in a store or online as to whether or not we can justify a purchase.
It could be a coat that fits us perfectly but costs more than a round trip ticket to Paris or a dish set that would make us feel like the height of sophistication when we host gatherings, but deep down, we know we would never use it.
Sometimes, however, we might find ourselves face to face with an impending purchase that we know we must have.
And despite the massive dent it might have made in our bank account, we gaze at this purchase with zero regrets every time we look at it.
Redditor ChuckleCells was curious to hear about the purchases people made without even batting an eye at the price tag, leading them to ask:
"What was your 'shut up and take my money' purchase?"
Anything For A Thin Mint!
"When my nieces were young and sold girl scout cookies or stuff for school."
"My wonderful mother in law and I actually worked out a system where she knew my budget and ordered on my behalf, I just forked over the money."
"Didn't even say anything, I just blindly ordered and paid."- SassyCatLady442
Endless Entertainment...
"Steam Deck."
"Couldn't join the queue fast enough."- QuentinRoque
The Grass Is Always Greener...
"Electric lawnmower."
"Best tool upgrade I ever made, probably will ever make."
"Small yard, no gas, no pull start, no priming, no worrying about the carb having dirt in it, no more oil checks or air filters, no more crazy loud noise."
"I can actually talk to people while mowing, my vacuum is far louder."
"I can stop, and start so easy without messing around with one hand on the bar to keep the engine going."
"It's the best!"- Designer_Situation85
inspirational lawnmower GIFGiphy
"Döner Kebab every time."- Hour_Equal_9588
"Plus being called 'boss' every time - worth it."- ChuckleCells
Cheap At Half The Price!
"I recently saw a first edition of the Codex Seraphinianus going for the cheapest I’ve ever seen it."
"Instant buy."- Leipopo_Stonnett
Bring On The Jokes...
"Well spent f*ck you money."- ofyellow
Season 2 Lawyer GIF by MartinGiphy
Keeping Things Cool...
"A new air conditioner when the one in my room shat itself during Christmas in North Queensland."- redfoxcoat
They Likely "Spared No Expense"...
"Dinosaur salt and pepper shakers."- pyrotech33
Life On The Open Road...
"My DMV renewal."- MoumouMeow
"This is the real answer."- Austin_021985
Sloth Dmv GIFGiphy
Cleanliness From Top To Bottom...
"Handheld bidet spray for the toilet."- wromit
Right Time, Right Place...
"I was looking for a better VR headset than the one I currently have."
"I saw an auction on Ebay for a Samsung Odyssey+."
"Original retail price, about £450."
"This was being sold for £41, with less than 20 mins left in the auction."
"I bid for it, the clock ran out - and no one counter-bid."
"It arrived in the post a few days later, works perfectly, is in great condition, and it's the best VR headset I've ever owned."
"I literally could not believe my luck."- MagicSPA
Happy Baby, Happy Home...
"A baby Brezza. It's like a coffee maker except it's for formula."
"With my first born, I absolutely hated making bottles and spent a lot of money on instant formula."
"With my second, I learned about the Brezza, and it was $200."
"I consider it one of the best purchases ever!"
"And I usually recommend it if someone can afford it or get it gifted to them."- psppsppsppspinfinty
Netflix And Chill...
"My new flat-screen TV."
"I’ve never had a tv before in my life until now"
"I’m so excited."- GabrielleBlooms
Scratch That Itch...
"Chub rub."
"It's not what you think."
"They're anti-chafing stickers for your thighs."
"Saw it on shark tank last night literally as I was nursing some serious thigh chafe and have never checked out on Amazon so fast."- vven23
Strawberry Feels Forever...
"When I was deployed, there was this little bazaar on the FOB."
"One day, I walk into a store with a bunch of food and drink."
"My intent was to find something to snack on during longer missions."
"Instead, I found one of those bags of Strawberry candy that has the wrapper designed to look like a strawberry!"
"And there were 1000 of them in this bag!"
"Typically, the bazaar allows for bartering on price."
"I looked at the guy selling, asked how much, and he said $7."
"Didn't even try to argue, just gave him the money and left."
"That candy lasted me the rest of deployment, and even found a few in a bag after coming home."- nozer12168
Art Food GIF by Katie VazGiphy
It's always in our best interests to make sure we never break the bank or go into debt when shopping.
However, there's ultimately no price for peace of mind or happiness.