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dark tales

People Break Down The Creepiest Mysteries Around The World

I am an avid, no obsessed watcher of real life murder and horror tales. I can't look away. When I hear there is a new episode of Dateline NBC or 20/20 I get flushed with excitement. My DVR is chock full of all sorts of television shows from ID Discovery. I have recently learned that I am not alone in my obsession. With the new world of podcasts, it seems everyone, from every age group and walk of life treats these stories like fanatics. And the creepier and unsolved the better. They do nothing for a good night's sleep, but I can sleep when I'm dead, and hopefully not from being featured on Dateline episode myself. And these stories have origins worldwide.

Redditor u/grayfox104 wanted us all to gather round and discuss the eeriest tales of all by asking...
Photo by Andrew Stutesman on Unsplash
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