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city that never sleeps

people walking on pedestrian lane during night time

New York City is great. As someone who has worked there for the last decade, I love it.

And it truly lives up to it's nickname: it is the city that never sleeps. There's always something cool going on or something fun to do.

Of course, in a city as populous as New York, where things are open for all hours of the night, you're bound to see some strange things as well.

If you've lived or worked in the city for a long time, you may be able to brush off certain weird sights or occurrences. However, even New Yorkers have seen some really weird things.

For me, it was six years ago. I had just started my first full-time job (and my third job in NYC) and was waiting for the subway. A guy runs down the stairs looking completely freaked out, crashes into a couple, knocks them down, gets up without waiting to see if they're alright or even apologizing, runs to the other set of stairs, screams bloody murder at what he saw (there was nothing to actually see, of course), and before anyone could realize what was happening and stop him, jumps down onto the subway tracks.

Then he sees two mice that were on the tracks, screams bloody murder again, and runs away.

He was going in the direction the subway was supposed to come from. The subway took five more minutes before it arrived, so it's possible the guy climbed back up at some other station or something, but if honestly, I have no idea what happened to him.

Some of the other people waiting for the subway looked as freaked out as I felt, but most people just went back to scrolling on their phones or talking to their friends, waiting for their train. To this day, that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in New York City.

Redditors have seen some extremely strange things in New York City as well, and are eager to share their stories.

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