Accidents and acute illness can happen to anyone. But some people seem to have a gift.
The worst mishaps result in emergency room (A&E) visits.
Luckily, we can't really did from embarrassment.
Reddit user Grouchy_Chipmunk8752 asked:
"What is the stupidest reason you've been to the ER?"
Fry Guy
"I shoved a French fry up my nose when I was 2. No one knew for a WEEK cause I really shoved it in there."
"I was still having surgeries on my nose at 6 because I destroyed the arteries or something in there. About bled to death (exaggeration) every night with nose bleeds in my sleep."
"I bled so much for so many years I had anemia."
"All because my 'nose was hungry' and I fed it a French fry."
"Kids are hilarious. It’s a miracle half of us are alive honestly."
~ Friedyellowsquash
Thaw Saw
"Separating frozen hamburgers with a steak knife when I was a teenager."
~ sillymuppet1998
Saw This Once In A Movie
"Tried to see if I could run through a glass door like they do in the movies."
"Spoiler alert—I couldn't."
~ tumbfickerel
Rock Collector
"My sis went to the ER after asking my parents from the backseat of the car on a road trip, 'How do I get rocks out of my nose? I got the ones out of my ears'."
"They sat in an ER for 30-40 minutes late on a Saturday night as gunshot wounds, car accidents, and such are rolled past them. Dad was holding sister's arms so she couldn't push the rocks up farther."
"And then they just fell out with a pile of snot."
"So they went back to check-in and said they were leaving and check-in was like cool, have a good one."
~ Sheetascastle
Fish Fingers
"My daughter kept having off and on fevers and throwing up. We took her to the ER."
"Turns out, she got e-coli. How?"
"By sticking her hand in one of the fish exhibits at the aquarium and licking her fingers clean."
~ bubbles2255
College Cram Session
"Finals night my first semester of college. Pounded a bunch of energy drinks to study, then a bunch of Benadryl cuz I wanted to get some sleep and wake up early to study instead."
"Thought I was dying. Whole body was tingly, my heart was doing flippy-doos, couldn't breathe. Got to the ER and they went, 'yeah, you gave yourself a poor-mans speed-ball'."
"Give me a bunch of fluids and they sent me on my way. Still made it to my 10am final across campus."
"Surprisingly, never graduated college..."
~ astoria922
Barbie Girl
"Wanted to keep a Barbie shoe safe when I was a kid because I thought it was pretty."
"So I shoved it up my nose."
~ toxic_rhubarb
🎵 Can We Talk 🎶
"Inhaled a breath mint at 2am after taking a deep breath while belting out a Tevin Campbell song as the club was closing."
"After 4 hours and an x-ray, they said it would dissolve and sent me home, sparkly high heels and all."
"I was cute tho."
~ taffeelion
Seasons Greetings
"Attacked by a Christmas tree."
"Was reaching behind my tree to unplug the lights, somehow managed to dislocate my knee in the process. Paramedics had to fish me out of my Christmas tree which had fallen on top of me."
"Ho ho ho!"
~ shinyquartersquirrel
Gummies Galore
"I ate too many gummies (edibles) and thought I was dying. Like literally thought my life was coming to an end."
"I couldn’t walk without major difficulty, I couldn’t talk because I was slurring so badly, my whole body was shaking, and my heart was pounding."
"I went to my room with every intention of just going to bed, but I had this revelation that dogs know when people are going to die. So I told my dog, 'If I’m dying, then sit'. And he sat down!"
"Of course my fears were then confirmed and I was, in fact, dying. I called 911 and went to the ER."
"Yeah, I made the mistake of telling my family about this, and it’s like their favorite story ever. They literally tell it at parties."
~ Lipbanging
Court Jester?
"Tripped over a hay bale and fell on a camera in my fanny pack at a Renaissance festival and ruptured my spleen."
~ 08mms
The Circle Of Knife
"I cut myself with an old knife whilst cutting the packaging off of a new knife."
~ Batmanswrath
Gas Is Very Expensive
"Had these stomach cramps that had me doubled over for an hour."
"Got to the ER and actually farted for a full minute."
"Instant cure."
~ MostlyUseful
"Had to drive my ex-husband to the hospital in the middle of the night."
"It ended up being gas. He didn’t have insurance—just started a new job—and his fart cost us $2,000."
" Funny story now. Not so funny then."
~ dandanmichaelis
New Mommy Brain
"Back before dishwasher pods were a thing in my life, I used liquid dishwasher detergent. It’s worth mentioning that my kid was about 2 months old at this point, so I’d pretty much forgotten what sleep was.
"2ish am and my tiny child had just fallen asleep, so it was time for me to grab a few precious hours myself. I finished loading the dishwasher, poured in the soap, turned on the dishwasher, and noticed the dried soap made closing the bottle difficult."
"Cue the bright idea to use a chef’s knife to scrape off the buildup. This brilliant plan resulted in a gash across my knuckle and an intimate understanding of what the bones in my hand look like under all the skin."
"My disappointment to be waking my husband to tell him I was driving myself to the hospital instead of collapsing in bed next to him was immeasurable.
"5 hours, 7 stitches and a tetanus shot later, I got home just in time for my baby to wake up, but not before scraping up the side of the car on a concrete pole as I was parking."
"All because I wanted to close a dishwasher detergent bottle."
~ Specicried
"A rooster poked my ankle with his spur."
"Spent 4 days in hospital. 12 bags IV antibiotics, plus oral antibiotics for another couple weeks."
~ FlowFirm5149
What's your ER story?