Addictions are dangerous. It takes a hold of your life and strangles it. It festers slowly and disintegrates your world. Well most of them do. We all have behavioral addictions that often become a quirky character trait. Sometimes it can actually be cute. Well certain behaviors within reason that is. Some can be downright annoying and fodder for the therapist.
Redditor u/milanamilana asked people to divulge a few things, asking... What's your "strange addiction"?
Ah the cones...
When I am out walking in wooded areas I spend a lot of time trying to find pine cones to stand on.
I do it because when you find a suitably dry one it feels amazing and sounds so good. Do it. Tends to work best if they are stood upright. wewannagetloaded
The sound of music...
I will listen to music for hours on end while walking around a room, imagining various stories and scenarios. Glissando365
I do that constantly. It doesn't interfere with my life but I love coming up with all kinds of stories and dropping myself into them. ParsnipPizza2
Flesh eater.
Chewing the inside of my mouth. classik_e
My 30 year old sister has done this her whole life, and I have never seen or met anyone else that does it as noticeably as her. She'll take the second knuckle of her index finger and push her cheek in so she can chew on it. She's gotten better about not doing it as often. I've never asked her why she does it. yolkfacekilla
Daydream Believer.
I'm not sure how common this is but shopping for million dollar penthouses and yachts that I will never be able to afford. I just like to dream I guess. ShellSwitch
I do this a ton, it's my night time wind down in bed activity to look at /r/roomporn and imagine myself as the buyer. What I would change, what I like etc etc. ExeterMegaladon
This is so gross but I am addicted to picking. Pimples, dry skin, scabs, anything pick-able I will dig at it till I bleed. No I am not on drugs. It's so bad that I am contemplating hypnosis. Annon8765
I'm so hangry!
Going through the kitchen in search of food, giving up, then lowering my standards and looking again. bibi-chocobun
I open the fridge, look around, take a mental note of what is there and close the doors and walk away. an hour later i come back and open the fridge, look around and think of what i might want... as if my stomach wants it, but my brain says no. tunersharkbitten
Look at the people...
Analyzing other people when I'm out in public. I enjoy trying to figure out who they are just by what I see. DARKcsb
I like doing this with my mom.
We would guess "who went with who" at the food court in the mall when I was growing up. We would look at people with their trays of food and try to guess who their significant other was waiting at the table.
My mom was almost always right. It's a fond memory :) girlroseghost
Staying mute...
I'm addicted to avoiding phone calls. QiNavigator
I purposefully reply to texts with at least hour delay so it's not fishy that I am never able to accept any calls.OresteiaCzech
I found a reality series...
Donating sperm to lesbians.
I started off donating to some friends then they began recommending me to other lesbians through a FB group.
It's so rewarding and I've fathered 7 so far. Socialist7
Thank you for reading!
Reading creepy stories on Reddit, which I guess isn't that strange. Alec122
And then regretting it when you try to sleep? Because that's what I do. CautiousMusic