Funnyman Steve Harvey is known for his classic comedic reactions to contestants on Family Feud, but can he have just as good a sense of humor when he's the butt of the joke himself?
Turns out the answer is absolutely yes. The comedian and game show host had the whole internet laughing with his reaction to a recent joke at his expense, and it's an instant classic.
It all started when Twitter user @SagittariusGroove posted a picture of a delicious hamburger decked out with two giant slices of white onion... that people thought bore an unmistakable resemblance to a certain beloved game show host.
You can see it here.
Along with the photo, Sagittarius Groove commented:
"why they give me these big onion slices, my burger look like Steve Harvey😭"
Harvey's gleaming white chompers and signature smile are two of his biggest hallmarks, and the tweet quickly went viral as pretty much everyone else on the internet immediately saw the doppelganger effect going on in this hamburger.
It went so viral, in fact, that it made it all the way to Steve Harvey himself. You know how touchy celebrities can be, but not Steve Harvey.
He immediately reposted the meme with his own caption.
Apparently good-naturedly fed up with being DM'd his cheeseburger likeness again and again, Harvey wrote:
"Stop sending me this $!&# 😂"
So then naturally Harvey's tweet went viral too, and the internet has not been able to stop laughing about it.
Which is good, because Sagittarius Groove was obviously worried as soon as her tweet took off.
In the comments, she implored everyone online:
“Pls don’t tag Steve, I don’t want to offend anyone. I was eating dinner and thought 3 of my mutuals would see this.”
Suffice to say both Steve Harvey-as-cheesburger tweets have now gone way, way beyond just three mutuals.
People online are absolutely loving it.
Kudos to Harvey for being able to take a joke and giving us all a big, wide, cheeseburger-onion smile.