Steve "Stone Cold" Austin didn't get the moniker Stone Cold by being a soft and squishy kind of guy who beats around the bush.
His bluntness is kind of his trademark.
One fan got a reminder of that when he tried to criticize Stone Cold for wearing a mask, telling him to "strip off the communism." It did not go well.
The 55-year-old retired wrestler (and clearly never retiring bada$) posted a selfie to his Instagram account two days ago. In it, he's sitting in a car wearing an Alabama-football-themed face mask.
The mask is pulling at his ears, a struggle most of us can totally relate to.
He mentioned it in the caption, jokingly quipping that the person who made the mask for him was a fan of a rival team so maybe they made it too small on purpose. He ended it with a few hashtags and attempted to go on about his day.
OK yeah the ears do look painful but in all fairness Stone Cold Steve Austin is roughly the size of a barge, so mask fit is an expected challenge.
For a little while there all was well in the comments section.
It was mostly just a lot of people "roll tide"-ing and a few LSU fans hopping in there to egg him on.
A lot of people also thanked Austin for setting a good example by following CDC guidelines.
One person pondered beverage intake.
And a second person wondered about why a mask was needed in a car.
Austin was happy to answer.
OK the drinking beer with a mask on question was probably a joke. Asking why Steve is wearing it alone in his car could be a legitimate question.
It's possible this person doesn't realize that lots of people put their masks on in their vehicles before stepping out. That way they're not walking uncovered through parking lots or other public spaces. There is evidence to suggest that the virus may linger and this is an easy step some people are taking just in case.
If you're running a bunch of quick errands, it might be easier to just leave the mask on, particularly if it tugs at your ears. Constantly taking it off and putting it on can cause increased friction and irritation.
Some people just aren't really bothered by their mask if it's a comfortable custom made one. For them, it's possible to just get so used to it that you kind of forget it's there.
But then...
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Someone decided to go there.
Someone actually told Steve that wearing a mask went against his reputation.
While the mask was cool, he should be a rebel, stop conforming and "strip off the communism."
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Stone Cold Steve Austin had no problem answering this question either.
Although the rebel without a clue may wish he hadn't.
People were surprised someone decided to come to Austin's page to lecture him.
Truly, though, we don't think anything sums this all up any better than this comment sent to the person who tried to school Austin.
That's about the gist of it.
Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to wear his too-tiny mask on his crimson ears, whether you think it makes him a communist or not.