In an adorable turn of events, a man from Pennsylvania found more than 200 walnuts stashed by a squirrel under the hood of his car after noticing a burning smell coming from the vehicle.
Chris Persic explained on Facebook that his wife Holly had noticed sounds and a burning smell coming from the car before the discovery of grass and nuts was made.
“My wife called me from Northland Library and said that her car smelt like it was burning, and was making a weird sound. I told her to pop the hood, and this is the picture that she sent me!" Persic said, posting photos of the car on Monday. “I got a rental and headed over to clean out over 200 (not an exaggeration) walnuts and grass from under the hood."
Persic said that he got the car checked out by a mechanic, who found more walnuts underneath the engine.
“My wife uses the vehicle for work, and it's only been sitting over the weekend. She had it inspected recently, and the walnuts only started to fall a couple of weeks ago, so this happened pretty quickly," he said. “Fortunately it was raining out so the grass was pretty damp…could have caught on fire and been a different story, rather than a funny one!"
Chris Persic
Persic said that the car was cleaned and the nuts and grass were removed from under the hood.
“They [mechanics] cleaned it out and checked all of the wiring and moving parts, but said there really wasn't any damage," he said. “Long story short, if you park outside, do yourself a favor and check under the hood every once in a while."
Chris Persic
“My truck may have had a squirrel chew through/pull out a fuel injector hose, and Holly's looked like they were storing up for the next three winters," he concluded.
Here's hoping that the squirrels won't come back to look for their missing nuts.