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People Spill The Secrets About Companies They Used To Work For

People at a communal table in an office building
man and woman sitting on table

Reddit user Mave__Dustaine asked: 'What's something you can admit about a company you no longer work for?'

Sometimes, after a long day at work, all you want to do is vent to your friends and/or significant other about everything that goes on at your office.

Ideally, over a bottle of wine or a round of margaritas.

Of course, you must be careful about what information you disclose, as some of it might be classified, you may be beholden to an NDA, or you might realize too late that your boss or CEO frequents the same happy hour that you do.

However, these same juicy details have arguably become fair game when this is no longer your place of employment.

This leaves you free to share all the juicy details of what happened behind closed doors with whomever you choose.

Redditor Mave__Dustaine was eager to hear all the secrets people could finally share about their former places of employment, leading them to ask:

"What's something you can admit about a company you no longer work for?"

No Need To Worry About Those Baby Back Ribs...

"Worked as a cook at a Chilis in CA, and I can say confidently that it was one of the CLEANEST kitchens I ever worked in."

"We scrubbed it spotless every night."- bajatacosx3

ribs GIFGiphy

Didn't Get The Job? Don't Take It Too Personally...

"I used to work in the marketing team for a large recruitment company."

"About 99% of the jobs posted on their websites (the company owned about 35 web domains) and shared on other websites are fake."

"The marketing and SEO department was tasked in creating super optimized job listings that outperformed real job listings."

"To apply to these job listings, you would have to register an account."

"This would inflate our candidate database and we would have loads of CVs."

"The sales team would then take this information and contact companies to get them to pay to put their open vacancies on our websites, because we had one of the largest candidate databases."

"I remember getting so annoyed by this practice I started reporting these vacancies as fake, even on LinkedIn."

"But LinkedIn rejected my report saying it was legitimate."

"It wasn’t, and I know this because I created that fake vacancy."

"What makes this even more alarming, is that so many recruitment companies do this."

"If you want to apply for a job, you’re better off going to that companies website instead and not using a third party."

"I left that place and swore I would never work in recruitment again."- CopperHead49

Simply Shameful

"Nursing homes are ALWAYS understaffed and overworked."

"The worst one I ever saw was 3 caregivers to 72 residents."

"That's 3 people who are responsible for feeding, toileting, and showering 72 people every day."

"Mistakes and abuse are incredibly common due to the sheer burnout that is rampant."

"Imagine being told after a 16 hour shift that you aren't allowed to leave (because of abandonment laws) for another 16 hours because someone didn't show up for their shift, and doing so while making barely above minimum wage."- That_Weird_Girl_107

US Healthcare Was Bound To Come Up...

"If it seems as though your health insurance claim is being processed by a bunch of gorillas in heat throwing darts."

"You aren't far off."- rocket363

Do Something Waiting GIF by TravisGiphy

The Grass Is Always Greener...

"Anytime you think your company is just a hot mess behind closed doors, and everyone else has their sh*t together--EVERYWHERE is as hot a mess as yours."- hillean

A Hacker's Delight

"We supported 1000+ businesses office phone systems, and they all used the same password for their admin access to their systems."- indie_airship

A Benefactor's Nightmare

"Stanford University has a database full of everyone that’s ever attended the school."

"Or ever been treated at their hospitals."

"With the right access, you can look up anyone in their system and see their employment history, every place they’ve lived since graduating, and their connections within the larger Stanford community."

"The best part?"

"There’s a section that gives all the tax/income information, with an estimate based on equations that say how much the person could realistically donate to the school without negative effect."

"That way, when they call to fundraise, they know exactly how much to ask for."- catsweedcoffee


They're Not Just Fast...

"I worked for a very popular fast food chain and was shocked to find out their hygiene standards were actually high, and everybody followed them."

"Like. everyone really did their job, and the place was really clean and safe."- tardibae

Maybe Consider Paying In Cash...

"Long past NDA."

"I used to support restaurant POS systems."

"Every system managed and supported by us had the same admin username and password for the computers, the admin software (back of house), and the credit card processing software."

"Also, their employee 'database' file on the terminals was an Excel spreadsheet."

"It had their names, login #'s, addresses, date of birth, phone numbers, social security numbers, etc."

"And you could mentioned aforementioned admin username / password to access them."

"They also outsourced support to a country that hates the US."

"As I trained them, they reminded me, quite often, how they don't like the US."- draggar

Living Up To Their Reputation...

"I don't know the specifics, the laws and such, but the manager of the Amazon warehouse I was at wasn't allowed to tell workers they couldn't use the fans or ac in these 100°+ environments, but somehow he was allowed to shut off the fans and ac whenever he wanted, so this guy would spend the entire day most days following around anyone who would turn them on and personally turn them back off immediately."

"He was later fired, on paper for telling people they couldn't use the fans and ac, but really it was because the new district head just didn't like him."

"Amazon had absolutely no problems with the guy shutting fans off."

"People had been sending in complaints about it for years but never had a word back about it."- PyukumukuGuts

Amazon Prime GIF by AmazonGiphy

Your Loved Ones Needn't Worry

"My family owned Veterinary hospitals."

"Now, I know the price has gotten nuts but that is not what this post is about."

"Most vets truly care, and I have seen some do anything, literally anything to help your animal."

"I remember wanting to leave after closing, so tired and my Dad (the Vet) telling me he wasn’t leaving yet, he wanted to sit with this one dog all night."- Suspicious_Load6908

Define 'Classified'?

"At the company I worked for, everyone was assigned a Microsoft account."

"This was used for Outlook emailing and Teams for instant messaging and video calls."

"Naturally, plenty of privileged and sensitive information was exchanged in these ways."

"Everyone had the same password."

"It was first name.last name."

"Every employee and manager (I didn't have the guts to test the theory on an executive account.)"

"And this was a company that, among other droll and boring training, made sure we had our requisite cyber security/anti-phishing training."

"There was lots more silliness at that company, but that right there tells you all you need to know."- KarmaCommando_

Quality Over Quantity

"Positive one: It's a pretty small place, but Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating actually was super serious about food safety and cleanliness and never refroze product."

"Ingredients arrived refrigerated and surplus would be frozen until the next meal it was needed for, if it got thawed out and still not used for the next cycle, it was thrown away/donated to local farmers."

"They had zero issue with pulling food off the line and even trashing entire batches if something was off."

"She tried franchising once and none of the new locations could maintain her personal quality and safety standard so she shut it down after about 18 months even though she was making good money off it."

"Seattle herself was also super nice and all her grandkids worked summers there through high school and college and came in and worked their @sses off instead of being the arrogant a**hats so many nepo-hires are."- NightGod

Hungry Food GIF by TescoGiphy

They Just Care About Your Health And Well-Being... Or Do They?

"We used to own a couple of gyms."

"I guarantee you that your membership can be canceled without all the bullshit; most of them just try to squeeze every single thing they can get out of you."- CallingDrDingle

Organization Is Key


"No matter how fancy your tech systems are, your boss just wants a half-decent excel sheet to keep track of everything."-Gullible_Actuary_973

One can never be too sure what goes on behind the closed doors of any closed company or corporation.

Though, as it turns out, not all secrets are ones that should be hidden.

After all, now one can safely enjoy Chilli's famous appetizer platter with no hygienic concerns...

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