We can't ace every quiz. Every once in awhile we're going to hit a wall.
The key is to try to not be so harsh to our psyche.
We all learn differently.
But give yourself a break if you can't master everything you try, even if other people find it easy.
RedditorMxchi27wanted to hear about what simple skills others have down pat, that some of us just can't quite get, so they asked:
"What’s a seemingly basic thing you can’t do?"
Math past Algebra.
So many seem brilliant at it.
I gave up.
And the guitar, so frustrating.
be regular...
"Eat a healthy amount at regular intervals." ~ 300show
"I've had that issue as well due to being homeless multiple times. There are periods where I'm doing well, and other periods where I'll eat everything offered to me because what if I'm homeless soon? Gotta pack on the weight in case I'm homeless again and can't eat. The last time I was homeless, I lost 60 pounds in a little over a month, and gained it right back in a little under a month." ~ Indysteeler
"Open my eyes underwater." ~ HolyAuraJr
"Every time I try, no matter if it is fresh water, sea water, or pool water, it burns. And it burns for days afterwards." ~ Galaxy_Ranger_Bob
"I used to have the same problem. Went to a different eye doctor (for a regular check up) and he took one look at my eyes and asked: do you have trouble watching TV in a dark room? Do your eyes burn when you touch them with your hands? When you're wearing eye make up? Turns out it's an allergic reaction and eye drops made it go away! Do you experience any other discomfort with your eyes?" ~ heythere30
Make a List
"Start things, complete things, finish a todo list." ~ RandomiseUsr0
"I learned this just the other day and I am trying it out. Don't think about doing the whole thing. Just do two minutes of it. Need to get dishes done? Don't look at the stack. Just unload the dishwasher/fill the sink with soapy water. Want to get into the routine of a morning run? Don't think about treading down the street. Just put on shorts/sweats and lace up your shoes."
"Need to go shovel snow? Don't think about the work involved. Just take two minutes to put on your coat, gloves and boots. If after you follow the two minute rule you still don't want to do it then don't. However, most of the time your brain kicks in and says to itself, Well, I made it this far, I guess I'll finish up. So far I'm actually getting things done, now if I can keep my ADHD brain from creating subversive techniques I might actually be able to create the habit." ~ Yup_Shes_Still_Mad
Lips Together
"Whistle." ~ LollipopDreamscape
"I can whistle, but I want to be able to do that really loud whistling." ~ Indysteeler
So basically I'm bad at life.
"Make conversation, make friends." ~ Jedibri81
"I can respond to, but never initiate a conversation. If my boss and I are in the truck, and we're driving an hour to the job site, and he doesn't speak first, we're sitting in complete silence the entire time." ~ alpacamaster8675309
Rise and Shine!
"Wake up easily in the mornings. It doesn't matter how much sleep I have, I always struggle to wake up."
"Edit: Wow, thank you all so much for the upvotes and kind words and advice. I'm going to try the Alarmy app, make sure I wake up in 90 minute intervals (I did this yearsss ago but stopped for some reason), may try one of those light alarms, and will have a drink of water as soon as I wake! I will try these for a few weeks and then consider a sleep test if they don't help. Gosh how much I LOVE Reddit. Thank you all so so much ❤️." ~ emzyyx
"I don’t explain myself well so I sound like I’m rambling." ~ atleastistoletheshow
"Same. I think faster than I speak, so I get confused and lose my train of thought, often accompanied by slurred speech. I know concepts without thinking about them, but I can't explain them; I know exactly what I mean, but the words that come out are either irrelevant and/or often misconstrued. Organising thoughts is impossible."
"Doesn't help when I ought to explain something in my native language, but think in English – and vice versa. I know a word in one language and have a hard time finding an equivalent in the other. Does it surprise you if I tell you I talk with my hands a lot? Despite this, I've been a translator since 2012, huehuehue. But I have Google and dictionaries, so it's fine."
"Everyone gets bored and changes the subject or ignores me before I can finish, so I don't like speaking. It gets a lot better when I'm tipsy, though. Those who actually listen may catch the thread and finish my sentence for me, or say ‘oh, yeah, I understand what you mean’." ~ DolfK
A Dull R...
"I can’t roll my R’s." ~ BLOME69
"Same here. I feel like a bad Mexican. I can’t even pronounce my last name correctly because of it." ~ spangee85
"OK but that makes me feel a little better, I'm white but I'm trying to learn Spanish, my tutor (who is Latin American) says her own daughter can't roll their R's so it's not a big deal. I still wish I could learn how to do it tho 😭." ~ GeneralEl4
"Read maps, I have no sense of direction so if you ask me where is -location-? I sometimes don't know how to tell you." ~ IWishToRewriteMine