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People Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They Saw Someone Get Angry

mad baby sitting on plaid blanket
Ryan Franco on Unsplash

Reddit user hologramkits asked: 'What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve seen someone get angry?'

We talk about people being quick or slow to anger.

Some people seem unflappable, while others fly off the handle with seemingly no provocation.

The latter often perplex bystanders or the targets of their wrath.

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The reasons are rarely logical.

Reddit user hologramkits asked:

"What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve seen someone get angry?"


"We were having the second bathroom renovated, so we had to share the working one. My ex would take very long, hot showers. I had to go."

"I knocked a few times over 15 minutes, each time he said he'd be done in a minute. I finally just went in to pee."

"He got mad and didn't speak to me for a whole day because—get ready for it—I 'compromised the integrity of the steam'."

~ 2_old_for_this_spit

Extreme Couponing

"When I worked at Walgreens, an older lady threatened to blow up the store because I told her we couldn't take expired coupons."

"It was for 15 cents off."

~ Disastrous_Ant_2989


"I saw a dude flip over a table because the waiter forgot his extra ranch."

"Like, chill bro, it's just ranch, not a family heirloom."

~ omistymiaso


"A guy I’d been on one date with got super mad because I told him I was sick so was going to cancel plans to meet up that day. He called me about half an hour later, but I didn’t answer because I was trying to sleep it off."

"So he got crazy mad that even though it was a cell number, by me not answering it must mean that for whatever reason I wasn’t home sick, but had canceled plans to go out and do something else."

"He started sending endless texts accusing me of lying, demanding to know where I was, who I was out with, on and on."

"I refused to see him again after that. Any person who gets that possessive after a single date is a red flag."

~ MySockIsMissing

Easy Breezy

"Had a roommate that sent me a picture of a paper towel on the floor in the kitchen angrily accusing me of purposely leaving it there."

"I said it wasn't there that morning and asked if the window was still open."

"She then said that she wasn't used to living without air conditioning yet, and the breeze blowing things around was new for her."

~ PassiveSavvy

Envision Being Single

"One time, my ex-boyfriend, who was an aspiring rapper, told me that he wanted to record a music video for a song he wrote. Trying to be supportive, I asked him what his vision for the video was."

"He said he didn’t have one, and I told him 'well, ya gotta have a vision!' as a way to try to initiate a conversation where we figure it out together."

"He immediately got full of rage, told me that this is why he won’t tell me about his dreams, screamed like an animal and then bit a chunk out of my steering wheel."

"A literal chunk. With his teeth. It was insane."

~ mariposamillionaire

RPG Rage

"Their DND character got arrested for a murder that said character did in fact commit."

"Despite getting multiple options to handle it, they talked to fantasy police without a make believe lawyer and got in more and more trouble."

"They got so mad they—in their 20s—called their mother to ask her to tell everyone off."

~ SandwichPrestigious7


"My mom got mad at me because I didn’t know the recipe for chocolate chip cookies, even though I wasn’t the one who wanted to make them."

~ PosingComa044

Big Winner

"I once worked for a guy who was nuts."

"One time he bought all the staff lottery scratch tickets and passed them out at lunch. No one won anything over like £10."

"He got so mad that he took them back to the supermarket and demanded his money back."

~ joebewaan

Road Warrior

"Used to carpool with a guy who was the worst road rager. Once we were headed into work, and I saw a car nearly 1/2 mile away pulling out of Walmart onto the road we were on into our lane."

"He sped up to 70 mph then hits the brakes hard and proceeded to scream and rant about the guy pulling out in front of him."

"He was absolutely furious, and turned to me and said, 'Did you see that‽‽ He pulled right out in front of me!'."

"I just said, 'Well dude, you had to do twice the speed limit to make sure he pulled out in front of you. Chill out'."

~ kalelopaka

Pop Off

"I worked at a gas station, and we had pop machines outside and coolers on the inside with pop, too. A lady sent her son inside to grab some and the inside ones had a sales tax thing while the pop machines didn’t."

"Something about us vs the company technically selling it. So he got like 3 or 4 and because of tax it was like 6 cents more than if he got the pop from the machine."

"He paid and left, and like 20 minutes later, the lady came in screaming her head off about how we were shifty thieves and horrible people to rip off a kid."

~ Vanishingf0x

Phone Flub

"My dad dropped his phone on the floor. He came to me to ask if his phone was dead as there was a big black zone at the bottom of his screen, which wasn't there before."

"I took a look and realized the black zone was just his phone's background. I told him what it was and he started to scream at me that he wasn't crazy nor senile, and that the black thing was not there before."

"I told him calmly I didn't touch anything and that the phone couldn't have changed the background by itself, so it was already there from before and maybe he never noticed the black thing before."

"He screamed even more at me repeating he wasn't senile and all, screamed so much my dogs literally left the room we were in."

~ Cae_lyce

Penny Pincher

"Years back one of my friends worked at McDonald's."

"He accidentally short changed some guy by a penny."

"Guy came back in shouting at him for being a 'useless piece of sh*t thief'."

~ gimpisgawd


"I was working at Barnes and Noble. A woman said that there were no K's in the new fiction section. I was helping someone else when she yelled this from the line."

"I said the alphabet continues on the other side. She said no they just stop at J. I said I would be with her in a minute when I finish waiting on the person who was here first."

"When I got to her, she said that the fiction goes from A to J but stops and there are no K's. I said, 'Here let me show you'."

"I walked over and she said, 'See it goes A to J'. I walked around to the other side of the bookcase and said, 'See, here are the K's and the rest of the alphabet continues'."

"Well this woman was so damn angry at ME. I showed her what she was looking for, and I was polite. But she was pissed."

~ Labradawgz90

Good Riddance

"Had a lady scream at me once because I didn’t ask her why she was in town."

"Lady, I don’t even know you. How am I supposed to know you aren’t from here?"

"I don’t miss retail. I hope she left town."

~ BurghFinsFan

What’s the most ridiculous reason someone got mad at you?

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