It's never attractive to gloat.
Nor does superiority ever come off as a particularly attractive attribute.
But, consciously or not, some people speak or behave in a way that immediately suggests that they think they deserve to be treated differently, i.e better than others.
Or that they believe they simply are better than other people.
A recent Redditor was curious what sort of behavior struck other people as elitist or arrogant behavior by asking:
"What screams "I am entitled"?"
Where's the fire?
"Impatience in situations where it should be just universally understood that you need patience".- c7hu1hu.
Positions of power.
"I will have you fired!"- Vergo27.
"Generally just leaving something for someone else to deal with."- Splatty_boi_420.
Sorry, but I was here first.
"People who cut in line."- Chad_Farthousse.
"People who ignore lines and cut in the front, like their time is more important than every other person patiently queueing."- ofsquire.
No one loves a tattletale.
“I’ll call my dad and tell him what you did!”- ROAM300.
Ever heard of quid pro quo?
"When they do something to you and think it’s fine but when you do it in return and they freak out."- Silvero129.
Name your price.
"I work as a ticket seller for a ski resort."
"My favorite entitled person is the guy who, upon finding out that the kid's ski lesson was sold out, offered to pay extra if I would kick someone else's kid out so his kid could have a spot."- Floranagirl.
Can't you see how sad I am?!?!
"People who think their personal feelings should be other people's top priority."- walebrush
I can do whatever I want, because of my car
"For me its people who have 'Rich' or 'Fast cars' and when there is traffic and they feel like they can go into turn lanes but go straight in front of everyone, or drive on the shoulder as THEY have to get where they are going and THEY are important, at that time."
"I feel like we should be able to record it to show they are doing things illegal and then we should be allowed to shoot their car with paintball guns."
"This way if you see a car shot up with paintballs you can go, okay there is a asshole so we need to watch out for him."- VivaLasVegasGuy
Rulebook slow down.
"Driving too close behind me and beeping when I’m going the limit."- MountainsRoar
Making life a competition
“Do you know who you’re talking to?”
“My ____ is sm better than yours”- Green-Train6846
Pushy parents
"My baby Deserves it."- Warsquid08
Flaunting wealth
"Saw a couple on TikTok honeymooning to all these different countries on a train."
"Bragging about how long their trip was and the cost."
"Wearing designer outfits to dinner and they weren’t wearing a mask."
"Got a bougie breakfast delivered to their cabin."
"Idk, just looked so obnoxious and privileged."- auntfloss
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect
"Treating retail or fast food employees like sh*t and sh*tting on them for working in such a place."- PapaTwoToes
"Customer enters store 'ding'."
"Retail worker 'Hi, how are you today?'"
"Customer 'Um. Do I know you?'"
"Retail worker 'No, My name is Blah are you looking for something specific?'"
"Customer 'No' walks away."- AcanthaceaeVirtual
The hosts are there for a reason.
"People who seat themselves at restaurants."- peachmonroe
There had to be a better way of handling it
"I am first one in the movie theater."
"Turns out to be a sell out and the last seat open is next to me."
"A married couple come in and they want my seat."
"I say no."
"I got there first to have that choice."
"Usher leaves and comes back with police."
"I never went back to that movie theater."
"Location, Union Station D.C."- Environmental_Pin95
Perhaps one of the most obvious ways to unwittingly show off your entitlement?
By being oblivious to how entitled you are.