There is no singular way for a couple to discover their relationship is over.
In many cases, one half of the couple is completely blindsided by the breakup, amazed to discover that their partner wants out, when they thought everything was going fine.
Other times, a couple might amicably come to mutually realize that they are not meant to be together.
Then, of course, there are reasons that lead to a couple's demise that can only be identified as bizarre.
Redditor nigel247 was eager to hear about the truly unusual cases that led to a couple breaking up, leading them to ask:
"What is the craziest reason you have heard for a breakup/divorce?"
Things quickly went downhill...
"The guy in r/skiing yesterday whose gf left him because he wasn't as skilled in skiing as her."- RadosAvocados
Just Wasn't In the Cards...
"She went and saw a fortune teller for fun."
"She was told that he is not the one she's seen with in her future."
"So she broke up with him the next day."- NymphaeaceaeLilium
The Lightbulb Wasn't Even Metaphorical...
"Wife was sensitive to fluorescent light bulbs but the husband kept insisting on having them to save the environment."
"He would change out the incandescent bulbs when she was asleep multiple times."
"She got sick of it and filed for divorce."- Commercial-Box-7437
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Talk About Easily Influenced...
"Two of my really good friends who everyone saw as 'the perfect couple' split up."
"Two days later, my then partner told me he was leaving because 'it made him realize that if they could split up, anyone could so we might as well get it over and done with now'."- Rustygurl
Three's a Crowd...
"'I’m in Love with My Robot Vacuum'."
"In one case, a man allegedly filed for divorce because his wife became too attached to their robot vacuum."- ElegantLily13
Never Too Late...
"I'm not sure if this is crazy: a local lawyer specializes in "silver" divorces (ie older people)."
"When interviewed, he was asked about the oldest person he had arranged a divorce for."
"He said it was a 93 year old man."
"When he asked the man why he wanted to divorce so late in life, he said, 'Because I want to die in peace'."- C*mUppanceToday
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Mama's Boy...
"Someone posted about a couple divorcing because the husband kept bringing his mom on their honeymoon trips."- Karlkins
Sometimes It's An Easy Decision...
"My wife joined a cult."- NastyToeFungus
Shallow Much?
"Saw a story on reddit about a woman whose husband left her cause she got breast reduction done on her huge breasts that were debilitating her."
"The dude packed his stuff while she was in surgery without letting her know he was leaving."- OhTheHueManatee
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If They Did, They Shouldn't Have...
"A couple of years ago, I was at a restaurant, and the couple next to us were arguing."
"The lady was upset with the man because he wouldn’t buy her the newest BMW that had come out that year."
"The man started listing all the luxurious things he had recently bought her, including the ring on her finger and proceeded to call her an ungrateful brat."
"She got up, slapped him, and stormed out crying."
"I always wonder if they made it to the altar."- East-Manufacturer437
So Much For The "Miracle" Of Childbirth...
"He was with her in the delivery room while she was giving birth to their first baby, after that he was grossed out by her any time he sees her."
"She said 'he didn't even sleep with me in the same bed anymore', so she filed for divorce."- Consuela-Hammock
Older, Not Wiser...
"She couldn't stand that she was older than him, and said its not right and unnatural.......she was 3 months older than him."- Randir07
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To Say He Wasn't Who He Seemed To Be Is Putting It Lightly...
"The husband was a con artist (and more) and lied about the marriage paperwork."- misskaminsk
"Read a post on here where a man left his wife because she breastfed their newborn son, and he couldn't stand the idea that 'another man had touched her breasts'."
"Dude was absolutely abusive and f*cking awful in so many ways, I'm glad she got out."- pollyp0cketp*ssy
Yet He Wasn't Bothered Enough Not To Marry Her?
"The wife had chronic dry eye which made her contacts uncomfortable, husband could not handle the fact that her eyes were different colors."- rowenaravenclaw0
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Sometimes, there is too much wrong with a relationship to continue fighting for it.
In these cases, though, one wonders how some of these couples even made it past the first date?