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Randy Rainbow Brutally Lays Into 'Shady JD' Vance In Genius New Parody Music Video

JD Vance; Randy Rainbow
Randy Rainbow / YouTube

The comedian takes a swing at the Republican vice presidential nominee in his new 'Funny Girl'-inspired musical parody video 'JD, JD... (Married Lady).'

What do you suppose Republican candidate for Vice President JD Vance and Hollywood and Broadway legend Barbra Streisand have in common?

The answer is nothing—until now, that is. Because internet star Randy Rainbow has united them at last.

Not in person, mind you. Barbra would never. But Rainbow's latest video reworks one of Streisand's classic numbers from Funny Girl to drag Vance as only he could.

The video riffs on the classic tune "Sadie, Sadie" from the musical, which Rainbow rendered into "JD, JD ... (Married Lady)."

Rainbow's reworked lyrics take shots at Vance's controversies, most notably his shift from a guy who just back in 2016 referred to Trump as "America's Hitler," to now being arguably his biggest sycophant.

“JD, JD, married lady, how you nauseate. There’s nothing as disgusting as a thirsty running mate."
"Oh, how this cracked Ohioan sure changed his act since he began, it seems like only just last night that he called Donald 'Hitler Light!'”

In addition to song, Rainbow's videos of course also usually feature a mock interview with whoever he's skewering, and his Vance video is no exception.

He ribs Vance for everything from his photos in drag, his insults against "childless cat ladies," and the viral joke about him liking to have sex with couches.

Rainbow even included a pointed warning of sorts with the lyric, "stay complicit, JD, hold your tongue, ’cause Donald likes his veeps well-hung," a reference to the attempts to hang former Vice President Mike Pence during the January 6 coup attempt at the Capitol.

On social media, Rainbow's fans were loving his shots at Vance.

Rainbow's JD Vance video marks the second time he's united Streisand with Trumpworld. Last year, Rainbow used another iconic Funny Girl tune, "Don't Rain On My Parade," to mock Trump's legal troubles with the phrase, "Don’t Arraign On His Parade."

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