Social media is weird, if for no reason other than that you can go viral and basically become famous overnight.
But what's even stranger about that is the fact that you might not go viral for the reasons you were hoping for.
Clarice Cazauran's TikTok channel is still fairly new, and she's spent most of her videos appearing in eclectic and interesting spaces while dancing and smiling.
One of her most recent videos went much more viral than her others, but it wasn't because of a particularly spectacular background, her outfit of the day, or her adorable twirls.
You can watch the video here and see if you can spot an anomaly for yourself!
@claricecazauran New spot unlocked
Cazauran filmed the video on a city street in the early evening with the streetlights on and many people walking past behind her as she offers a sparkling smile and little dance to the video's background sound, a clip of Chic's "Le Freak."
But as she dances, it goes unnoticed by the TikToker that Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke and his wife walked past her in inconspicuous winter outfits, blending in with a crowd of people.
With the number of people going by, and the TikToker's focus on dancing in a circle, her arms obscuring much of the video's view, it could almost go unnoticed even by the viewers!
You can see Thom Yorke and his wife behind Cazauran's dance moves here:
It would have been so easy to miss them!
Despite the very brief moment and Cazauran's impeccable dance moves, TikTok users once again proved the keenness of their eye by spotting the famous couple in the busy background.
This was inevitably one of those moments where the TikToker was editing her video and asked herself, "Is that...?"
No matter how this surprise appearance happened, it's fun to capture moments like this on camera so we can replay them over and over.
But it unfortunately seems unlikely that this little moment will be making a surprise appearance in a future Radiohead song.