Not every job or career is meant to be.
Our guts and our instincts will usually let us know.
Listen to those signs!
They are there for a reason.
It's not YOU! It's THEM!
Redditor ArianWhisper wanted to hear about the ways people have peaced out of a job real quick, so they asked:
"People who quit their jobs on the spot—what happened?"
"They tried to have me come in and run the store literally as I was coming out of anesthesia from surgery for an injury I got working there."
"Hey, I know you just had surgery and are still in post-op, I need you to close tonight. You don't have an option."
"I quit and let an attorney deal with it."
- pikadegallito
Christmas Evil
"At the last minute, the owner/manager/CEO dictator revoked my Christmas leave. My wife was terminally ill, my daughter was about to move off to college, and it would be our last Christmas together, ever again. It’s the only time in my life I’ve ever said 'F**k You!!' to a boss's face."
- TwinFrogs
Sick Days
"When I worked at TJ Maxx shortly after high school I got denied time off to go visit my great grandma who had just had surgery and we thought was going to die. Their excuse was I had just gotten back from vacation 3 days before which I understand but all I asked was for 2 days off to go fly up quickly. Others always called out. They told me I could have one day."
"I had a ton of sick days I could use so I just used those and between those and my days off, I didn’t work again. The crazy thing was had it been a different manager that day I would have been approved but this one was new and was singing people out for not selling credit cards and told us it was so easy even though every time she was on register she never sold any."
- ImReallyAMermaid_21
"I was working for a major video game company back in 2003. We were in crunch time, working from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. 6 days a week. Right before lunch, our supervisor walks in and says."
"'Good news everyone, we get to come in on Sundays now, but it's only a half day'!"
"The moment he was done with his speech, I walked over to his desk and told him I was quitting immediately."
"He warned me that I would never work in the game industry again. I didn't give a proper 2 weeks. I told him that was fine and finished my day."
"I ended up working in the industry for another 3 years until I freaked out and quit for good! Never again."
- nomercyvideo
The List
"I was told I wouldn’t be getting a raise because I asked for the raise. But apparently, if I hadn’t asked, I would have gotten it. My boss then said I was on the 's**t list' of the higher boss (for asking) and that I wouldn’t get a raise for at least a few months. Yeah, I quit right there lol."
- darkenough812
On a Personal Note
"Had a supervisor who was really unprofessional and disrespectful. When I turned in my two weeks, I also left a personal note for my manager telling them exactly why I was quitting, and that I refused to work any more shifts with the supervisor during my exit period. The first week was fine, but I walked in one day, and there was a supervisor. Gave them a chance but they quickly pulled some crap, so I walked out and skipped my remaining shifts. No spectacle, but I’m still proud that I stood up for myself."
- yellowspaces
"I had a verbal agreement with my manager that she’d reduce my hours so I could continue working during the school year. She put me on for 40 hours per week on the first school time schedule. I spoke to her about it and reminded her of her word. She stonewalled and denied everything. I apologized and walked out of her office. I graduated and got a good job writing software. 30 years later, KMART no longer exists. "
"F**k you, Beth!!"
- chrisgond
The Old Place
"Head mechanic at a small but busy bicycle shop. Been there 5 years or so with no raises other than promised 'soon.'"
"The owner showed up with a nice new car and started the same old spell about there not being enough money to offer a raise of any sort. Told him to get f**ked and walked out and down to the main competitor down the road."
"Better pay and better place to work. Once word got out I was there, a lot of the clients followed me there. The old place was out of business in 9 months or so."
- Clint_Ruin1
"I've done it twice..."
"The first time, the district manager at Applebees decided that my request off for a school competition that I had put in months earlier and had been approved already was just not gonna work anymore, and changed the schedule without telling me. I didn't come in because I didn't know."
"Then, like 2 months later, my mom called in for me because I was projectile puking from flu or food poisoning and he yelled at her. As soon as I could walk without barfing, I took my uniform in, handed it to him, and left."
"The second time, I was working at a daycare while looking for work as a teacher. The daycare charged by the hour, so they only got money if the kids were there. They wouldn't call parents if the kids were sick or had fevers. One day, I was left in a room by myself with NINE infants. No break. Not only is that ILLEGAL, it is super dangerous. I called her after Relief showed up and quit."
- lucy_inthessky
"Spent a year fixing things, hired a team, the system started generating real PNL, the boss who f**ked everything up started to re-engage as the situation turned around, making stupid suggestions a burning valuable time. We had a meeting where he was going on and on and I remarked that it was counterproductive."
"He calls me after the meeting and says 'What the f**k was that???' I responded that it was becoming 'unpleasant, with the meetings and change of course.' He said, 'If you don't like it, leave,' and I said 'ok' and walked out. Everyone stood there, shocked, as I left. Fast forward a year later and everything was f**ked up again."
- ManYonX
Breaking Point
"I worked for a photographer, and we were on a tight deadline schedule. Most of the office had been let go for the summer, so it was just me (the head of my department), one coworker, and the owner."
"I come in to discover the owner left town with his family on vacation."
"I hit my breaking point."
"I put my letter of resignation on his desk while he was gone. My only coworker left with me. The owner had no idea what had happened until he returned home to the letter, undone work on the counter, and zero employees."
- radarsteddybear4077
Oh My God Omg GIF by CBCGiphy
I Won't Do That!
"Quality and Health and Safety Manager here. The Managing Director asked me to falsify a First Article Inspection Report for a product going to an aerospace company. I said I would not do that. He told me I would if I wanted to continue working there. I chose not to continue working there and reported him to the relevant agencies."
- vivekorn
Check the Camera
"The first time I was accused of stealing from a small family-owned restaurant I worked at. I was under so much stress, I was only 15, my mom had just passed away, I had just gotten home from working a shift that broke child labor laws, and then I got a call from my boss (the manager) saying my register was short about $100."
"She said she was checking the camera and would call the police. I said go ahead. Ten minutes pass. She’s blowing up my phone apologizing and begging me to come back the next day. The cameras showed the owner's wife coming in and taking money directly out of the register before I even came in for the day."
- manichobbyistt
Keep the Shirt
"My boss said something EXTREMELY rude to me while I was trying to talk to him about my cross-training for another position. I happened to be wearing a company shirt with a tank underneath. I began unbuttoning the shirt and thanking him for the opportunity and then telling him to never speak to me like that while raising my voice and finishing with a hearty 'f**k this job and f**k you too" as I threw my shirt at him."
"I walked outside with my stuff and a woman who worked down the hall came running outside and talked with me. We've become friends and ended up living together a couple of times. It's been almost 20 years and I'm going to visit her (i moved away) and go to a concert in 2 weeks."
- Fluffy-Bill7006
Shoving Trays
"I worked at a factory that made cakes. It was a fast-paced workplace and throughout the day you'd get switched to a different station. I was eventually put at the oven station where I had to keep shoving trays of cake into a commercial oven. The trays were slightly hot and all they gave me was a vinyl glove."
"After 30 minutes of shoving hot trays into the oven, I had a blister. There was no lead around so I talked with another coworker who seemed to know one of the lead. That coworker gave me another extra pair of vinyl gloves. I shoved trays for a few minutes and walked out."
- WolfCut909
Cart Guy
"I worked for Homegoods as my first job, and I always had to get the carts. I applied at Shop Rite and interviewed for a stocking position. I made it very clear in my interview with the manager that I just didn't want to have to get carts anymore and would literally do anything else."
"Second day on the job. The cart guy calls out. The same manager who interviewed me asked me to get carts. I gave him my apron, walked out, and applied at the pizza place next store. They didn't have any carts. It was a fun job."
- freefreebradshaw
zach galifianakis dale GIF by BasketsFXGiphy
It sounds like a lot of people dodged a lot of bullets here.
I know we all need a job, but some jobs are not worth sacrificing your sanity for.
Hopefully, everyone found better options to make that coin.
And I hate to be rude; I pride myself on politeness, but sometimes, some bosses need tongue lashing.
So don't feel bad about speaking your mind on the way out!!
How have any of you run off a lousy job?