One wouldn't expect water in a can to be all that controversial.
But outside the can one company's new "punk rock" water is making all kinds of waves.
Nothing embodies the "extreme", fight the power, counter-cultural spirit of punk rock quite like...canned water?
Yeah we didn't quite get it either, but a new startup is hoping its over-the-top branding of water in a can will make big changes and big bucks.
Dreamed up by a former creative director for Netflix, Liquid Death comes in a tall-boy can and promises to "murder your thirst."
But while some are scratching their heads at the ridiculous branding the startup has already managed to snag $1.6 million in seed funding.
Fair warning, the commercial is pretty graphic.
In an interview with Business Insider Cofounder and CEO Mike Cessario explains why the punk rock and metal scene was the perfect target market for Liquid Death.
"We knew the easiest crowd for us is anyone into heavy metal, punk rock, and that kind of world because they immediately get the joke and get the humor and have never seen anything like it," Cessario told Business Insider.
"What makes this appealing for such a large group is that it feels like a niche thing."
And Cessario may be right.
The brand's tongue-in-cheek marketing is already generating a positive response.
Though predictably many see Liquid Death's branding as all style and no substance.
Though the company points out the real selling point of Liquid Death is the can.
"We started Liquid Death with the diabolical plan to completely obliterate bottled water marketing clichés by taking the world's healthiest beverage and making it just as funny and stupid and entertaining as the unhealthy brands across energy drinks, soda, and beer," Liquid Death's website reads.
"Also, plastic water bottles are shit. But aluminum cans are far and away the most sustainable beverage container by virtually every measure. #DeathToPlastic."
As an alternative to traditional plastic bottles aluminum cans may be a more environmentally safe choice which some feel is reason enough to support the brand.
But the brand's one saving grace might not be enough to redeem it in the eyes of those who feel the eagerness to fund the "bro-tastic" water speaks to much bigger underlying issues surrounding "bro-culture", startups and water.
For now Liquid Death is only available online where you can buy 12-packs for $1.83 a can.
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