You ever have one of those moments where you think, "dang, I really might be psychic"? Well, you probably aren't, but sometimes your intuition lines up just right. According to these Redditors, sometimes predictions can come true in the most eery ways.
u/CureSoleilFan asked: What have you predicted, that came true? Did people believe you beforehand or afterwards?
Sincerely spooked.
My mom worked with a woman that looked a lot like her. Whenever I visited (as a kid) I would always have to do a double take because they had so many similarities.
I had this dream. For months straight. About this woman that looked like my mother and she was walking down the stairs. Right before her final step, she trips, and knocks all of her teeth out. I was so spooked and didn't say anything.
Fast forward a month and I come home from school for lunch and my mom is home. Weird. She is sitting at the kitchen table and she's really upset. I ask what was wrong and she tells me that her co-worker, who looked like her, had fallen down the stairs the night before and passed away.
Writing it out, it doesn't seem so weird. But as a kid I was sincerely spooked.
We were going out, I said I'm not leaving my car here, a tree will fall on it. Took my car.
Returned hours later to a tree had fallen on my best friend's car.
That's eery.
I once made a bet with someone that Amy Winehouse would be the next member of Club 27.
I would not have taken that bet, she was clearly never going to die of old age.
I had a dream (more vivid, realistic, and emotional than my usual dreams) that my sister got into a nasty car accident on the highway. I woke up as soon as the impact of the crash happened.
I called my mom asking where she was because nobody was home. She said she was on her way to where my sister was because she had totaled her truck on the freeway. It was totally surreal.
So wholesome.
When I was 12 I had a dream where I learned from a firefighter that I would have exactly two children, and they would be boy/girl twins. I told many people about this because I was absolutely, 100% certain it would be true. When we were just dating I told my future wife about it to make sure she was okay with carrying and raising twins.
My boy/girl twins graduated high school this year and are getting started in college. Their grandfather was the fire chief of his town.
You did all you could.
Got an urge, out of the blue, to call an old friend I had not seen in at least a decade one night. Someone who had been nothing but kind to me. Even called my dad at 9PM to see if he could get in touch with any of her relatives (they are in his social circle) and get me her number. Was not able to get her number.
She shot herself that night.
Many regrets.
They tried to tell them!
Around 5 I had a dream that my mom was going to be arrested.
Woke up, ran I the living room to find them getting ready to leave. Told them not to go.
They did and got arrested in a drug bust.
No way!
Oh crap my time to shine.
Picture it. February 1st, 2004. A bunch of us over a friend's house watching the Superbowl.
Half time rolls around and as we mill about getting snacks, the lukewarm halftime show is rolling on the TV. I was watching it thinking about how little I could care about what I was seeing. I turned to a friend of mine there and said, "Man the only thing that could save this halftime show is some boobies."
And seconds later, Janet Jackson's titty flies out.
Agape, we all stared at her boob and then at each other.
I have felt guilty all these years thinking it was my fault.
I took as many math classes as I could in high school (American). My freshman year, I "doubled up" and took a more advanced class along with the normal class so I had one class with juniors and seniors.
In that class, the teacher joked that you should always listen because he might say a random word and then ask for it on the test the next day. "I might say... Blueberries. You never know." He never ended up asking for it.
Anyway, fast forward a year and I'm in the next math class with my normal classmates who had never heard him say that and he did it again. He essentially repeated the exact prompt, so right before he said "Blueberries," I was ready.
We both said it at the EXACT same time with the same pitch and cadence and everything. Everyone freaked out I explained how I knew but, even so, most people thought I was a genius. Nope. Just good at remembering insignificant details.
Always trust your gut.
When I was a teenager, I told my parents I had a bad feeling about a house we were going to rent. We did a walkthrough and the place just didn't seem right to me. I begged them to renew the lease in our apartment and not move. We moved anyway.
Well, it turns out the house was very, very old (and I feel very much that it was haunted), and the landlady was actually a manic crackhead. A few months after we moved in, a fire broke out in the wall next to the wood-burning stove in the house. Fire marshall concluded the fire was actually due to old, faulty wiring in the wall, and not the stove. Crazy landlady blamed us anyway and made our lives hell for the rest of the time we lived there.
Years later, my mom admitted they should have listened to me when I said we shouldn't move there.