MEN! Being a man isn't that arduous... Well, if you're willing to be yourself and just live. There is nothing wrong with masculinity, as long as you use it wisely. Let's all just be human.
Redditor u/Mrs_B1979 wanted to discus being masculinity in all of it's angles by asking.... Instead of discussing toxic masculinity, What does positive masculinity look like?
It looked like when I went to the gym after being sick all week. The most BUFFED superhuman I see there almost every time I go to work out, walks up to me and says: "Where were you bro, I hope you didn't decide to change gyms?"
Bare Hands.
Those three mad lads who took on a terrorist with a narwhal tusk, fire extinguisher, and bare hands. XsnagglepussX
Imagine being literally anyone who is not actively on or near a pirate vessel, and some random guy comes at you with a narwhal tusk. N_Who
(she said I had to use one)
When I was in high school I cut my finger and my english teacher only had princess band-aids (she said I had to use one) when I had Bio class right after the guy sitting next to me said my bandaid looked sick and he wanted one too.
Give a crap.
I want to know what positive masculinity looks like when you're a single guy with no kids. xpepsi1x
Look after your friends, especially your guy friends.
Women seem to look out for each other in ways that men are taught not to.
If you see a friend struggling, don't leave them to it.
Often it seems like nobody gives a crap when you're a guy. Give a crap. ThatsASaabStory
The Process....
One thing I think is especially hard for men is how to process anger and frustration.
I think Mr Rogers gives a rough outline of what positive processing could look like.
I think processing negative feelings and energy shows a ton of power and is an example of positive masculinity. right-to-die
"Speak softly and carry a big stick"
I like Teddy Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick".
If you see someone in a confrontation that they don't want to be in, step in and help them with your words and only resort to force if you really have no other choice and need to.
Most people would rather save face and stop being a fool if you ask them nicely enough. If you come off super aggressive in defense of someone else, then the other person will think he has to fight you.
Force doesn't have to be physical force either. Like if you see someone berating someone else, you could talk them down without having to get to their level and yelling. other1istake
Tucking in your homies and giving them a soft kiss goodnight..... romanraspberrysorbet
Using your assertive, dominant male testosterone to help the elderly put groceries in their car. Mandula123
Lost Without You....
I think of my dad, who recently had his stepfather pass away. My bio grandpa was a horrible father, never present, extremely selfish, and didn't put his family first. Mike, the man who I did call grandpa, showed my dad how to care for his family and work hard, but also be willing to give sound advice, be emotionally there for his children, and establish strong connections with them. Without Mike, who demonstrated the true positive masculinity, despite all his faults, my dad wouldn't be the man he is. When I have issues I go to my dad, who gives the same good advice Mike did. I trust my father, and so do my brothers. Without him, I'd be lost. littleducky08
Be Strong....
Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, Jim Henson.
You can be strong, and still be kind. In fact, the greatest display of strength is to have power, and not use it.
A real man is capable of being cruel, but chooses not to be. A real man can break you, but would rather build you up instead.
Real power comes from what you can build, not from what you can tear down. Edymnion