Having a job with flexibile hours is most people's dream come true.
Being able to prioritize friends and family over work.
Of course, only the very lucky can work jobs where they choose their hours, with most people beholden to set hours with very little flexibility.
Many might consider working the "night shift" the ultimate short straw regarding designated hours.
However, those noble hardworking people who do work the night shift might disagree.
Redditor Fit_Leaves55 was curious to learn the benefits of working a "night shift" that might not immediately come to mind, leading them to ask:
"People who work night shifts, what are some of the perks of it that no one talks about?"
What They Don't Know...
"Most of the management goes home."- razorbock
Serenity In Aisle 7
"Grocery shopping at 9am on a weekday is so much more peaceful."- ShatBandicoot
When In Good Company
"For some reason, most night shift I work with are pretty chill and cool people."
"Do work, go home, less drama."- Ensaymada01
You Take What You Can Get
"Pro: Fewer crazies."
"Con: Those crazies that do come in are usually call-the-police-crazy."- Worschtifex
Can't Beat The Commute!
"Less traffic to and from work would be one perk that immediately comes to mind."- Neorafter
Pros Outweigh The Cons!
"As a nurse I love night shift."
"It's either nutter city, and it goes by fast, or it's chill, and you can relax in between patients."
"As others have said, biggest perks are zero senior management running around micromanaging and making things worse, and traffic home is awesome."- Toomanynightshifts
Super Hero Doctor GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021Giphy
Money Earned And Money Saved!
"I work 3 12's weekend nights."
"It means I have all the time I need with my kids during the week and I don't pay for child care."
"Also, my hospital pays a good bonus for night shift."
"So more money."
"No child care costs."
"The Sunday to Monday transition can be rough though."- Brittany5150
No Rest For The Wicked!
"Pros: More pay, no bosses around."
"Cons: f*cks up your sleeping schedule."- Klempostif
Shifts Are Temporary, Friends Are Forever
"As someone who has worked all shifts for years."
"The camaraderie."
"Night shift workers tend to work well together and form close bonds."
"Less drama too."
"Probably the best kind of people to know."- PsychPCT
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Fits The Schedule
"I work in healthcare, so I don’t have to deal with management or family members( most of the time)."
"There is way less traffic going to work and I can take my sweet time leaving and not hit traffic."
"I can go to the drs at noon on a weekday and not miss work."- Flacciddoughnut
Late To Bed, Late To Rise...
"Not having to wake up super early."- Open-Sherbet-3790
The Sound Of Silence
"It’s quiet."
"You don’t really appreciate how loud the day is until you’re awake all night lots of nights in a row."
"And not just human stuff either, but all the natural stuff as well that’s never loud enough to be heard over the cars and the talking and the moving but that your brain notices anyway."
"3 am, I can hear things a mile away, easy."
"And it’s so much easier to think without all that noise."- Taysir385
Relaxing Full Moon GIF by Bill the BearGiphy
Literal Stop And Shop!
"Grocery stores are empty in the morning."
"Great parking."- themodefanatic
Hello Sunshine!
"Enjoying the fresh, light mornings on the way home in the summer knowing you’re off while most people are just starting their day."- ATOL_PROTECTED3228
Endless Zen...
"Usually its a lot quieter and calmer, everyone just wants to chill and get on with their job, nobody has the energy for any bullsh*t lol."
"Also the quiet walk home at 6 AM when the sun is coming up and the streets are empty is really nice."- DeusPrime
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When push comes to shove, there's never really a time when people are excited about reporting to work.
But having the chance to have a day to yourself and a quiet low-stress evening at work seems fairly ideal.
Even if you're not a coffee-loving night owl.