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People Who Said 'F**k It' And Did Something Crazy Describe What Happened

laughing woman wearing pink sweater
Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Reddit user Alone-and-affraid asked: 'People who just said "F*ck it" and did the thing, how did it turn out?'

Societal pressures shape how people act most of the time, but every now and then someone comes along who doesn't care what other people think.

They do what they want, when they want without guilt or remorse.

According to President Theodore Roosevelt:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

Much less rare are the times when otherwise conscientious people decide to throw caution to the wind. Almost everyone had at least one moment in life when they decide to go for it.

Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead, right?

How things turn out after such a decision can make for some interesting stories.

Reddit user Alone-and-affraid asked:

"People who just said 'F*ck it' and did the thing, how did it turn out?"

Noping Out

"I quit my factory job of 2.5 years during the 2020 events to go work at a slaughterhouse. I had nothing to fall back on besides this job."

"I did training there for a week before they decided I was ready to go work on a line."

"I was at the line for an hour, just watching the other guys work and I knew immediately that this wasn’t something I could do; it was far too fast paced, far too much to remember and with the job involving razor sharp knives, I feared for my safety."

"I walked out of the job during my first break and didn’t return. Went to Staples, printed out some resumes and dropped off about 20 of them before walking into a rebar manufacturing place that hired me on the spot without an interview."

"The rebar job was fun as hell, my coworkers were fantastic, and it paid $3 an hour more than the slaughterhouse. 11/10 decision, there."

~ TTungsteNN

No Business Like Show Business

"Was working a job that paid little and was hazardous due to chemicals and bad health and safety. Wanted to stick it out cause it was a skill I wanted to get good at and also being able to buy food is nice."

"But the general work environment was sh*t."

"One day at work I got a text from a random number asking if I wanted a job on a film, where I'd be basically painting costume items. They didn't give me any information about it at all."

"But I said f*ck it, and quit my job with my sights set on the big screen."

"Now I work in the film industry pretty much full time where my job involves painting and making weird sh*t all day with cool people. More stress and way longer hours, but way more enjoyable and fulfilling."

"And now I have money to buy my self cool sh*t whenever I want it."

~ edakit

Take This Job And...

"After a major falling out with my bosses I stormed out of my job with zero notice. Left the company car keys at reception and went."

"Zero plans, zero transport home."

"On my long walk home I hatched a plan to become a freelance developer and I have now been doing it for 20 years."

~ SickPuppy01

Up, Up and Away

"Changed careers from IT to Aviation (Pilot).

"Took the $130,000 loan out, and said 'Fuck It'. I am about to get my PPL, from there its IFR certification, then Commerical, and then my CFI so I can get my hours and get paid (little but its still making money and obtaining hours)."

~ Spartan0536

"My friend's husband switched from dental hygienist to pilot and he was in his late 30s. He started with zero hours and worked his way up through the various stages.

"He's a first officer at one of the major US airlines now and loves it."

"His wife's salary kept the family afloat during his slave wage years."

~ rabidstoat

Taking a Leap of Faith

"My work is very niche, so niche we were less than 20 to do it at a professional/commercial level in a city like Chicago."

"After the facility I ran a crew at closed, I spent a bit over a year looking for a similar job anywhere in the US and Canada without success."

"I did get a decent amount of interviews just to get ghosted every single time, no one would hire me due to my disability (Crohn's and Ostomy bag, which prevents me from doing a small part of the job and can be worked around without issues)."

"After all that time all I could find was a 2-days a week part time job, working under the first person I mentored."

"Did that for a few months and struggled financially until I saw a job posting for something in Singapore."

"I said why the hell not, sent my application through email and got an interview set up for the next day and within 90min of that interview they were ready to send me a contract."

"7 weeks later I was on the plane with 3 suitcases, moving across the world to a place (and continent) I've never been to."

"I'm 2 months into the job and already feel like I have a purpose again, the job is pretty damn chill, the pay is real good. The company is also really happy with my work so far and their decision of bringing me in."

"That's just the job part, the city/country is amazing (besides for the constant heat but that's just a small detail)."

"Zero f*cking regrets."

~ azgrows

Work From Home

"For years prior to the pandemic I'd heard about Work From Home scams. It had always been a dream of mine as someone that had suffered insane commutes to work from home."

"During the pandemic I figured f*ck it I'll see what's out there. Found an old employer of mine was hiring for WFH."

"I applied, got the job and have been with them now for a little over 2 years. A year or so of that time as the night shift lead."

"It's amazing. I have no commute. My workload is relatively light. I spend most of my work hours waiting for work so I listen to music, read books, watch TV etc..."

"Unless I finally go back to school and get my degree this is the closest I'll get to retired."

"With my current schedule I only work 3 nights a week."

~ jackfaire

Alls Not Well That Ended Unwell

"I had worked at a company for almost 10 years. I never got promoted and had hit the salary cap for my position so I could not get a raise."

"I tried for promotions, but they made you take a personality test for higher level positions, and I 'wasn't the right fit'. They then had some budget cuts and couldn't justify my salary so I was let go."

"A friend of mine had been planning for years to open a business, but didn't have the capital or time to get it off the ground. He was very convincing and confident, so I invested everything into it."

"I thought that since we were both 'smart' and knowledgeable about the product we could make it work without experience, but I was wrong."

"My friend was the product guy and I was 'the face' as the business had a huge social aspect."

"Within 3 months I realized that my friend's product knowledge was just based on what he liked, and not any real research. It fell apart pretty quick.

"I tried to salvage it but the initial product mistakes were too much. I tried to take control and right the ship but I got blamed for all the failure."

"I should've tried to collaborate but I was angry, and then I went to the only person that was on my side, my business partner's ex. It was wrong but I was losing everything and needed something."

"So I lost my condo, my life savings, and all of my friends. The business partner's ex then left me after the business collapsed because I was broke."

"It got worse from there. Let's just say that saying f*ck it can ruin everything."

~ CarboniteCopy

Moving On Up

"In my young age I walked out of my job as a programming analyst at a large multi billion $ company because I felt undervalued everyday of my job by my direct supervisor/manager."

"But I landed in another large multi billion dollar company as senior developer after 3 rounds of interviews—with 40% raise within 2 weeks."

"I was called back by previous employer after around 3 months giving me a 100% raise because they realized that I was providing them everyday solutions in their technical operations that ended up not solvable by even external consultants who were paid 300-400$ per hour."

"I rejected the offer but showed the offer to current employer who happily matched the salary after seeing my work for 3 months and promoted me to lead developer. Stayed there for 8 years before switching—this was in early 2000."

~ notyourregularninja

Change Of Scenery

"Seventeen years ago the wife and I lived in Japan, and had been there for almost 9 years. Our daughter started getting death threats in school when she moved to middle school; different kids than elementary, where the parents were really nice to us."

"Anyway, when we talked to her teacher about it, she pretty much said 'It's her fault for being loud and wearing earrings' (my daughter is half Hungarian, and babies get earrings here; it's a cultural thing)."

"We told her this and she said it attracts too much attention."

"Also, she told us to dye her hair black (it's brown) so she'd fit in better. We noped out, and moved to Hungary (at a time when Hungary was not even slightly in good financial shape, and about to be IMF-loaned).

"My parents thought we were crazy; my dad even told me I'd made a mistake."

"Things turned out very well. Daughter got stable again after some terrible thoughts because of what kids did to her in Japan."

"I found a decent job and after a LOT of weirdness ended up at a good workplace; wife runs our little company now, which is okay-ish (though current inflation, man...)."

"We actually own our own home, which felt impossible in Japan."

~ inostranetsember

Switching Things Up

"I changed careers on nothing more than a suggestion from a friend."

"It worked out amazingly."

~ CoffeeAndBrass

Heaven on Earth

"Two years ago, I walked out my job, broke my lease, shoved as much of my belongings into a badly malfunctioning car and drove across the Rocky Mountains to find the sea."

"I didn’t have a plan, I didn’t know if the car would survive (it broke down within weeks after the trip was done and I sold it for scrap)."

"I honestly didn’t care if I had a place to live... I needed to see the ocean, to smell it, to dip my toes in the brine and feel small again."

"And if I had nowhere to go and no way to survive once I got there, I had every intention of weighing down my pockets with stones and just walking into the water to end it all."

"I was not in a good place, mentally or emotionally. You don’t walk out on your life like that if you have anything to live for."

"But I connected with estranged family here, and they gave me shelter until I found work and a new home."

"I’m happy now, really truly steadily happy, fulfilled, proud of myself and what I’m doing, more so than I’ve ever felt in my entire life."

"The air is cleaner here, I wake up every morning and, rain or shine, I take a bike ride through rolling hills of emerald farm fields and deep whispering pine trees."

"I’m greeted in the mornings by wild robins, and I fall asleep at night to the music of rain dancing through the boughs of the trees and a chorus of singing frogs."

"I find myself standing outside, staring at the vast river of stars in the unpolluted and sacred darkness of the night sky, and I watch the beautiful pink and orange waves of the rising sun cresting over the mountains."

"I have found a Heaven on Earth, and I am thankful, every minute of every day, for this wild place I call home and the wonderful people who picked me up when I had fallen down."

"I don’t recommend anyone else do something as stupid and impulsive, or self-destructive as I did, but it wound up being the best decision I have ever made."

~ JodyJamesBrenton

Have you ever just said to heck with what anyone else thinks?

How did things turn out?

Share your story in the comments.

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